Thursday, April 11, 2019

Not a very productive day for me today.  I had trouble sleeping again last night and was finally sound asleep when the alarm went off this morning.  I went into Emporia and did my final tax shift of the season.  My last client gave me a hug when we were done.  Seemed to be a fitting ending to a rewarding volunteer job.

Came home and had intended to get my mowing done today.  It was too cold and windy to mow.  It only reached 40 for the high today.  I sat in my chair after my lunch and got cold.  Turned the furnace back on and went to bed with the electric blanket turned on.  Fell asleep and slept for over two hours.

After my nap I braved the cold and wind and did chicken chores.  Man!  That wind is  cold today.  The winds are gusting to over 30 MPH on the prairie today.  Almost did a Mary Poppins flying act on the way back to the barn with the empty water bucket.

Other than doing two loads of laundry I haven’t gotten anything else done today.  Too late in the day to start anything so I guess I am going to chalk this day up to being a rest day.  Maybe tomorrow I will feel motivated to do something.

Today marks my 14 month anniversary of eating the Bright Lines Way.  I am back to honoring the system again after gaining five pounds while on vacation.  It will take me a bit to get back to where I was but I will get there.  My body sure feels better when I eat clean.  I’m so thankful I found this way of eating and that it works for me.

Feeling a bit down this evening.  I haven’t fallen into the muck pond yet but am close to the edge.  The house feels very big and lonely to me today.  After being with my Match guy for three weeks in a row I am noticing the loneliness in a new way.  I’m grateful he is coming back up to see me this Sunday.

Grateful for the chance to get some good sleep this afternoon, grateful for the hug my client gave me this morning, and grateful it is to warm back up again very soon.