Sunday, September 24, 2017

I had the most wonderful evening last night. I rode with two dear friends to Matfield Green. The Bank had an art opening and the Surly Mermaid was serving food. I had a meat loaf sandwich that was amazing! The weather was perfect to sit out in the shade and enjoy the company of all who attended.

On the way home I got to see two sun dogs flank the setting sun. They were so beautiful. I rarely see them out here so it was a special treat for me.

I didn’t sleep much at all last night. I thought I was tired but I could not fall asleep. Makes for a long day when I have a night like that.

I got the results of two more blood tests that were run a week ago. My antibody levels are high which suggest I either have Graves or cancer. I kinda knew that already. What was surprising was the test that confirms Graves I wasn’t so high on and the test that suggest Hashimoto I was high on. The APRN guessed I would show the other way around. Usually Graves causes hyperthyroidism and Hashimoto causes hypothyroidism. I have hyperthyroidism. Leave it to my body to not read the instruction manual and follow the rules. Either case the solution is to remove the thyroid which was the original plan. Sure trusting my levels are low enough after my blood draw Monday I can get referred and get this over with.

Yesterday I got two rooms cleaned. One I had detailed earlier this month so it just needed touched up. The other one needed woodwork washed and the floor hand washed. Today I am working on detailing the great room downstairs. I have over half of it done. I do three or four tile widths across the room at a time and then rest for a bit to let my heart rate go back down. Trusting I will get it done yet today.

Once I get the great room done I only have one bathroom downstairs to detail and then just need to touch the other rooms downstairs up as Kathy and I had detail cleaned them earlier this month. I still need to do most of upstairs but I don’t like doing it too much in advance as it seems to get dirtier faster.

I haven’t taken my shower yet today. I have somewhere to go later this afternoon and knew I would work up a sweat cleaning so decided to wait to take my shower until I am done cleaning. I should have put jeans on though to hand wash the floors as I don’t have anything covering my knees and they feel like they might blister.

Sure feels good to move my body. I have sat way too much this month. Use it or lose it! The doctor released me without restrictions when I left the hospital. I take time to listen to my body and when it says stop I stop and rest. Some days I can get stuff done and others I don’t. Need to take advantage of good days and get at it.

Three good days in a row! Yes! I’m feeling good enough today to say “What thyroid?” I can tell I have been sitting too much as I don’t have much endurance but the only way to get endurance is to move.

Need to make a grocery list for this weekend. Next Sunday I am going to a family reunion and also need to fix breakfast for my guests. I’m busy Friday so need to remember to buy groceries Thursday. I will have my whole house cleaned by Thursday evening as I am taking Craig to Topeka for a medical test Friday morning. Trusting I will be home before my guest arrives.

I have four free days in front of me so should have no problem getting it all cleaned. I’m going to open the windows tonight as it is to be cooler the next couple of days. Seems silly to wash woodwork and then open the windows though. Oh well, at least I know the woodwork has been cleaned lately.

Feels SO good to be able to do normal stuff. Funny how I take for granted the ability to do so until I can’t. Knowing I got hit with the universe’s two by four to get my attention and allow myself to more fully align with my values.

I have been thinking a lot lately about what I want to do before I die. Surprisingly my list isn’t very long which tells me I have been doing what I have wanted to do all along. Spending more time with my family and dear friends is on the top of my list. Beyond that what is there to do anyways?

Another warm and dry day on the prairie. Rain is in the forecast! All is well!