Nicole and Geoff stopped by for a very short visit around noon. They were on their way home from the Bluegrass Festival in Winfield. I had some beef for them to pick up and take home. It was good to see them for a hot minute.
I took a nap this afternoon. I didn’t sleep well at all last night. I would fall asleep and then 30 minutes later be awake. That went on all night. The storm that rolled through woke me up. The thunder was loud and the lightning was sharp and close. We were on the tail end of the system that mostly went north of us. We ended up with .7 inches of rain. Grateful for every drop.
I started recording in a book all my passwords, bank account information, etc. It is tedious and is going to take me a bit to finish as I can work on it for a bit and then have to take a break. I realized once I started that I need to do it in pencil as I’m sure over time I will be changing passwords, etc. I wonder in 10 years from now what we will be using to log on. Maybe someone will devise a simplify yet safe method of logging in.
I grilled tenderloin steaks for dinner tonight. It makes a very delicious and easy meal to fix. No leftovers to deal with. The tenderloins are not very big but they are my favorite steak. No fat on them and no bones to cut around. I managed to grill them to perfection tonight. That doesn’t always happen although the more I grill, the better I am getting at it.
Tomorrow I need to go to the Chamber office in Cottonwood Falls to cover a bounced check. The check I wrote was held for a bit and by the time it was presented to the bank the account I wrote it on was locked due to the fraudulent activity on that account. I had told the bank to watch for it but it slipped through and got returned. The bank is to reimburse me for the over draft charges. I find it embarrassing to have to deal with it.
I have a friend coming to stay a couple nights starting Wednesday. I need to go downstairs and do some cleaning so everything is ready for his visit. He first came to stay when I ran the Airbnb and he came to Emporia to play disc golf. He has stayed with me twice before. Jim especially enjoys visiting with him. Not sure how long he is staying but we don’t have any plans to go anywhere so it doesn’t matter.
Thursday is Fall Equinox and I have some friends coming over to help me celebrate. This is the time of the year that we go inward and set intentions to uncover those things inside that feel a bit like a thorn in our side. Changing our relationship with the thorn helps life feel easier. I have found much power in stating my intentions out loud in front of others. Name it and claim it!
We reached 97 today. I am ready for these last days of summer to be over. Thankfully the temperature is to drop on Thursday. Trusting these are the last 90 plus degree days we will see this year. I’m not ready for winter but I am ready for fall.
Feeling a bit ungrounded yet. I need to get back to my Doulagiver material and get that project rolling again. I feel like I am drifting without a direction right now. I allowed the fraudulent activity to pull me off-center and am struggling to find middle ground again. Trusting the Equinox ceremony will help me regroup and reground. We are going to smudge this time and am thinking that will help remove the remainder of the negative energy I picked up on vacation. Experiencing two unexpected traumas back-to-back overwhelmed my system. I have not had something like this happen before and it has been interesting on some level to watch myself process it all.
Grateful to see Nicole and Geoff today, grateful for the delicious beef in my freezer, and grateful for Sunday afternoon naps.