Sunday, October 29, 2017

Lazy day on the prairie today. Not feeling very motivated to do anything. I finished knitting a shawl this morning and have another one started. May be a day where I do nothing but knit.

My empty space week is filling up quickly. Monday I have an eye doctor appointment in KC followed by lunch with Nicole. Tuesday I have my physical. Wednesday some friends are coming over in the afternoon. So far Thursday and Friday are empty space days.

I decided to keep track of how many medical encounters this cancer is causing to happen. So far since I was in the hospital in September I have had 15. I am almost afraid to tally up how much it is costing. So grateful I have hit my out-of-pocket expense total for the year.

How in the world do people that have cancer and work manage all the doctor appointments and continue to work? I was trying to figure out what happened to September and October and realized all the appointments I have had and will continue to have. I have a feeling November and December will have as many if not more.

It is a beautiful day today. Supposed to get up to 70. Nice jump from yesterday’s high. Makes my spirits much higher when it isn’t so cold outside. With my thyroid levels so low I am really starting to feel the cold. Quite a switch from the excessive heat intolerance I had earlier this summer. Wonder where the middle ground is for me?

My new iPad has symbols above the letters on the keypad. Anyone know how to turn them off? I keep getting numbers in my words.

I was going to go into Emporia for lunch today at the Surly Mermaid but I happened to see on Facebook Amanda posted she is sick today and is not coming out. Trust she gets to feeling better soon. May have to come up with another option for the day. For some reason all I want to do today is eat.

I have made five shawls since I started making them again last week. 16 skeins of yarn used up. Now to figure out what the heck I am going to do with the shawls. They will pile up quickly at this rate. Think I will make up some scarfs and hats after I finish the shawl I am working on. It will work up some of the fancy yarn but not sure what I will do with scarfs and hats either. Eventually they might find a home. I think I still have a basket full in my closet from when I lived in my apartment and knitted a bunch up after my Camino walk and I couldn’t walk much as my feet hurt so bad.

I finally crashed last night and got some sleep. I took a nap yesterday and slept for two hours and was able to sleep last night too. I was way overdue to crash. I’m tired today as a result. Sure wish I could spread my sleep out and get three or four hours of sleep every night without waking up. Doesn’t happen very often these days. I will try my new supplements tonight and see how I do.

I can finally feel the V in the lower part of my neck. The swelling has almost disappeared from surgery. It is still tender if I push on the area around the incision site but otherwise not bad.

Need to give some thought about Christmas. I have gotten the grandkids their presents so now need to decide what to do for my kids. They aren’t as much fun to buy for as the little ones are. I don’t like buying stuff for myself or anyone else. The grandkids have birthdays in December and January so will have to come up with a gift for that too. I am not a good gift buyer.

I continue to read about thyroid cancer to prepare and educate myself about what might be ahead for me. Good news is chemotheraphy is rarely used for this type of cancer. That is good because I would refuse it anyways. There is a possibility I may need radiation treatment after the iodine ablation but that is unknown at this point. It will depend on if the cancer has spread beyond the thyroid. I will find that out either when they do the ultrasound or when they do a total body scan as part of the iodine treatment. One step at a time!

I haven’t heard from the retreat Director from Peru yet. He may have a group in and can’t get to his email yet. Still planning on going in December at this point but reminding myself to stay flexible
in case we need to postpone it to January.

I am feeling the need to get this ablation process over and done with. I found a good website about it and it sounds a bit overwhelming. I don’t like having things like that in front of me to think about. I just want it over and done with. I have a very active imagination and I can quickly make these things into something bigger than they are if I have too much time to think about them. You have to follow a special low iodine diet for two weeks before the procedure. Not sure if I can do that while in Peru as I won’t be fixing the food. If I wait to start the diet until we come home I won’t be able to complete the procedure in the 90 day time-frame. It will all work out! Great lesson for me in faith and patience! Not my strong suit!

Beautiful day on the prairie today. Bright blue skies. Lots of sunshine warming up my soul! All is well!

2 Replies to “Sunday, October 29, 2017”

  1. Kay, Could you please fill me in on what is happening on the cancer. You had the surgery, right? Then they found cancer? I am totally confused here what is going on. Love you so much and do not know what to do to help.

    1. The pathology report showed I had cancer. The surgeon didn’t know it while he was doing the surgery. I will be having an extensive ultrasound to check lymph nodes to make sure it hassn’t spread outside of the removed thyroid. Then will be having a radioactive iodine treatment that will remove any left over thyroid tissue and they will be able to tell if it has spread anywhere else in my body. They don’t think it has. I’m doing OK. Feeling good!

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