Sunday, October 28, 2018

A friend and I went to see War of the Worlds last night at the Strong City Opera House.  Aliens from Mars attacked the world.  The guy got his girl at the end of the movie and all is well!  Fun to watch a movie that was made the year I was born.  Special effects have come a long ways in 65 years!

Woke up just before sunrise this morning and watched the sun come up.  I love that time of the morning.  The fall sunrise colors are absolutely beautiful.  Such hope and promise in watching the sun rise.

Went into Emporia to get cat litter this morning.  I wanted to change their box so I dumped it out and then realized I was out of litter.  I was going to get dog food too but didn’t have room in cart for it and I didn’t want to go back in.  I will need to go to town later this week and I will get it then.

Did my weekly house cleaning chores today.  I didn’t get to them yesterday so had to do them today.  My Marine and his wife have been gone all day so it was a good day to get some cleaning done.

It has been another absolutely beautiful fall day today.  Mid 60’s and bright blue skies.  It is to reach the 70’s tomorrow.  I love this time of year. The stars were incredible last night.  Trusting they will be the same tonight.

I’ve got a pot roast in the crock pot cooking.  The house smells divine!  Not sure if we will eat before or after the sun sets.  Want to be outside to watch it set.  Guess it will depend on what time my date shows up. He text me to let me know he is on his way.  I invited my Marine and his wife to join us for dinner.  I’m going to fry some apples and heat some dinner rolls and call it good. I dipped strawberries in chocolate for dessert.  Nice and simple meal that will be easy to serve.

Starting to wrap my head around the fact that I am leaving Friday for New Zealand and Australia.  Other than the getting there and the travel to get home it will be a wonderful adventure.  Trusting the jet lag won’t kick my ass too bad. New Zealand is 18 hours ahead of Kansas time.  I will preview tomorrow for you while I am there and let you know how it is!

Sitting with great anticipation this afternoon.  I’m excited to meet this guy.  Working to keep my expectations in check and to allow things to be what they are.  This will be my fourth face-to-face Match date.  Trusting it will end better than the other three did.  I knew almost immediately when I met the other three that we weren’t going to have a second date.  Looking back I think I knew that before they showed up.  It was good practice for me though to have lunch with a guy.  Maybe they showed up to help me prepare for today.  Stay tuned to see how this one goes.

Grateful for another beautiful fall day, grateful for the chance to meet this guy, and grateful for the beauty of the prairie during this time of year.