Much better day today! Woke up feeling like I had energy for a change. The sun is shining and it is a beautiful day on the prairie.
Made a list of things I need to get done before I leave the 29th for Peru. I have already finished a couple of things I had put on my list. I attempted to refill three different prescriptions but was only able to do one. One didn’t have any refills left so I sent a note to my doctor requesting one. The other one was lost when my insurance changed my mail-in pharmacy. I’ll have to call and ask someone how I fix that. The insurance company was to have sent me details about the new pharmacy but to my knowledge I haven’t seen that information yet. I still have three weeks of pills left so am just trying to get things taken care of before I leave and I will have the pills when I get home.
When I went to the web site to send my doctor a note requesting a refill for my sleeping pills I noticed the result of the ultrasound was posted. I couldn’t tell when the results were posted. Usually I get a notification when something is added but for some reason didn’t this time. GOOD NEWS! The ultrasound was normal with no dedectable lymph node involvement. The weird thing is when I did the quick evaluation at the Health fair the lady had told me I had quite a bit of my left thyroid left. The latest ultrasound didn’t confirm that. The left side is the side that had the cancer in it.
I haven’t received a call from the Endocrinologist yet telling me what is next for me. The results make me feel better about leaving to go to Peru. This makes the decision about having the ablation a bit tougher as the ENT doctor had said if the ultrasound was normal the ablation was optional. Guess I will wait to see if the Endocrinologist still thinks it is needed. Maybe she will recommend I don’t have to have it done and all that will need to be done from here on out is regular blood work and a repeat ultrasound occasionally. If she does recommend having it done I will have to sit with that and decide what to do when I get home from Peru. One step at a time!
Made a list of ingredients I need to do my Christmas baking. I plan on picking them up before I leave so when I get home I will have what I need to get things made. I usually send a box to my brother back east and I used to send a box to my sister but since she is here this year I won’t need to do that. Gene loves my fudge and New Year’s Cookies especially.
Tomorrow I need to go to town to pick up a prescription. I think I will get the rest of the things I need for Thanksgiving dinner while I am in town so maybe I won’t have to go back into town this week. Wishful thinking I know but I am getting tired of making daily or even twice daily trips to town.
If I wait to go till afternoon I trust the doctor’s office will have my script ready so I can get that one filled while I am in town too. Need to get a haircut before I go to Peru too. If everything works I can do all that in one trip. Fingers crossed!
So relieved about the results of the ultrasound. Sure wish they could have figured out a way to do that weeks ago so I wouldn’t have had to sit for so long with not knowing. I can deal with what ever I know about but it is the not knowing limbo that drives me cray.
What an absolutely beautiful day today. The forecast for Thanksgiving has improved and it now says the high is to be in the mid 60’s with bright blue skies. The wind isn’t even in a hurry today. Love fall days like today!
Realized yesterday we are in to the last 30 days before Winter Solstice. This is the time when I typically do my best shadow work of the year. It can feel thick and heavy and like nothing good is happening. Add to that a powerful new moon that is calling me to release all thing that no longer serve me and it is no wonder I fell in the muck pond again yesterday. Thirty more days and the light will start to return. The timing of the Peru trip could not be better. It is as if the Universe is calling me to become a person with even more love and light to share with others and is giving me all the support and love I need to help that happen.
Beautiful day on the prairie. All is well on many levels today!