It was nice to have an extra hour of sleep last might. I slept in a bit this morning and it was still early when I got up.
I went to Emporia to meet Tagen at Sutherland at noon to pick out three ceiling fans, a vanity and a few other things. He was able to lift them in and out of the car and get the stuff in the rental house. He made the vanity look like it only weighed a pound or two. I couldn’t have lifted it myself.
We went to Bruff’s for lunch afterwards. I always enjoy time with Tagen. He had a girlfriend with him and I enjoyed getting to know her.
I stopped at the liquor store and got a bottle of wine for a birthday present. The clerk started asking me questions and I said I know nothing about wine. I asked him to steer me to a good bottle of red wine. I trust what I got is drinkable.
Then I stopped at Dollar General to get a wine bag. They didn’t have a birthday one but they did have a Christmas one so that had to work.
Kathy and I went to a dear friend’s birthday party at 3:00. It was so fun sitting and visiting with other friends. We enjoyed some pizza, wine and lots of other treats.
The day went by quickly. I didn’t have much down time today.
Tomorrow I have exercise at 2:00 so will go in and paint some before and after. Tagen and his friend were going to paint this afternoon so hoping most of the tall painting got done today. I will get a bucket of woodwork paint and do that tomorrow. I still have a few things to get for the rental property and may try to take care of that tomorrow if I can go into a store. Somedays I can and some days I can’t. I am going to Topeka Friday so can go to a different hardware store and get what I need if I can’t find what I want here.
Tuesday I have to go back to the rental house and meet the tree guy. There are limbs hanging over the two power lines in the back yard that need taken care of before a winter ice storm makes them come down. Hoping I can do some more painting Tuesday as well.
Wednesday is my only stay at home day this week. It will be needed by then. Thursday I am going to a meeting in Matfield Green and Friday I have a doctor’s appointment in Topeka. Busy week for me.
It is raining again this evening. I dumped out almost five inches of rain earlier today. We are going to get all our fall rain in a few days. Grateful for the rain as it will fill the ponds that were getting dangerously low. Hoping it will help save the new grass that Kathy planted earlier this fall.
It has been fun working with Tagen on this project. He is doing some of the repair work himself. That will help make this house feel like his. He is starting to get anxious to move in. I doubt that he waits until January. That is fine with me – I much prefer someone be in a house then have the house sit empty.
I have no idea how long it will take us to get the house move in ready. It still feels like we have a lot of work to do but we have made good progress in less than a week. Good news is we really don’t have a hard deadline to get it done.
Phil worked on my porch today. He took the guttering down and finished painting all the red posts. They look so good. I am thinking of painting the front door red. I guess I can paint it and if I don’t like it I can change the color. Phil is going to paint the lattice gray some other day. The ground was a bit wet to do that painting today.
Grateful to have spent time with Tagen today, grateful to celebrate a dear friend’s birthday, and grateful for all the rain.