Sunday, May 7, 2017

OH my goodness. We have a taste of summer today. 85 degrees outside today. There is enough of a breeze the house doesn’t feel too hot inside as long as I am not doing much. Way too early to turn the air on.

I finished chopping down the weeds in the garden patch. We have decided it is hemlock. After the chopped weeds dry out I am going to burn them and then I am going to treat the roots so it doesn’t come back. I need to find some one that can come Roto tiller it so I can get the dirt worked up.

I took a nap this afternoon. I didn’t sleep again last night and felt tired today. I will take sleep when ever I can find it these days.

My plan is to go to the gym a bit later today. Kathy went this morning but I wasn’t in the mood to go when she went. I’m not sore today from my yard work yesterday and Friday. I was sore yesterday so I’m glad I’m not sore today. I thought I was getting a blister on my thumb from using the loppers but it seems to have gone away.

Finally remembered to mix up the coconut milk ice cream. It is in the freezer now and I am to whip it every hour until it gets solid. I made a mess using my food processor to mix it in. We lost a part to my blender so didn’t have that option to mix it in. I have been craving ice cream so hoping this will hit the spot. It doesn’t have sugar in it.

Need to go to town and get some groceries once I decide what sounds good to eat. When it gets hot it is hard to think about cooking. May need to get a grill so I can grill meat and veggies outside. A grilled hamburger sounds good. I also need to get a pair of shoes that I will only wear when I am at the gym.

I haven’t gotten my chicken coop cleaned out yet today. I still plan on doing that when I get back from working out. The farmer I buy straw from hasn’t delivered the new straw yet but I have enough left to get the coop done at least one more time if not two.

Lazy day today. Another quiet mind type of day. I feel my body slowing down to its summer pace. I lose energy in the summer due to the heat. I function best between 60 and 75 degrees. Once it hits the 80’s I start slowing down and if it is over 90 I almost come to a stop.

Bright blue skies. Lots of warm sunshine. Birds are singing. Chickens are crowing. Dogs are napping. It is a beautiful day on the prairie.