Damn! Someone stole two ladders and helped themselves to my storage shed. I called and filed a report with the Sheriff. Not sure what all is missing from the storage shed.
Kathy had gone to the shed Friday to get the wheelbarrow out. She had to move lots of boxes to get to it and piled the boxes back in the shed. When I went out to the shed today all those boxes are gone and there is lots of room in the shed.
I had my two high school guys lay the ladders by the porch when they moved the last of the stuff Thursday. I forgot about them and went out today to move them to the barn. They were gone.
I will have to move up reorganizing the shed on my priority list so I can try to remember what may be missing. I am so tired right now that my brain is on slow-motion and I can’t think of what I even put in there. I know as I was working organizing the back porch I filled several boxes of stuff that I didn’t have room for and sent it out there. But what did I fill those boxes with? No clue.
Maybe this is the Universe helping me get rid of extra stuff! I wanted the last of the boxes to go away and maybe the Universe took me literally. Ha! Got to find something to smile about. It kinda gut punched me when I opened the shed and saw that things were missing.
The Sheriff gave me a case number and as I remember what was in the boxes I am to update them with the list of items and an approximate value.
Guess I will also move up having Phil put keypad locks on the doors so it will make it easy to lock the house up all the time. I have a key to the shed and I will have to find it and make use of it too. Shame on me for not locking things up. Really didn’t expect I would have to. The Sheriff said this type of thing doesn’t happen very often here.
Yesterday evening I got brave enough to try to hook up the TV. The remote I was trying to use wouldn’t do anything but turn the TV on. I looked up a YouTube on how to fix a broken remote and did all those steps and nothing worked. Put a post on Facebook and some friends came over. He discovered after a bit I didn’t have the correct remote. There weren’t any other remotes near the TV and had no idea where the correct one had gone. I kinda assumed it had gotten thrown out with the material they used to pack the TV up in.
I went on-line and ordered a new LG remote. My friends left and about ten minutes later Kathy comes out of her bedroom with the correct remote. Yay! I struggled a bit getting the internet connected but it finally worked and we were able to watch TV last night. That project was a struggle but a success.
I so appreciated my friends coming over and lending a hand. That will be a huge advantage to living in town as my friends in town all live close by.
I hung a few pictures on the walls last night. Having mixed results. One wall I hung five things and then decided I didn’t like it – it was too busy. I found the right pictures to put there but now I have lots of extra nail holes and I still need to make a few more. I had decided I needed to add a bit more color to this room anyways and had decided to paint it when everything else gets put in place. I will definitely need to now as I don’t have any extra paint in this color. That will happen sometime in the future when things quiet down a bit.
I have the bookcase in my bedroom arranged. I still need to clean up the leftovers and pack them away or else discard them. I have one tub full of knick knacks already as they are all things I am not ready to let go of yet. I will store them until I move into the house I am building and if I can’t find a place to display them at that house, I will let them go then. Most are little things that hold special memories for me. I will offer myself some grace and keep them for a bit longer.
I have done a great job letting go of most things but these are things that would be hard to find a duplicate for if I changed my mind in the future. Lots of them are things people I love have given me or things I picked up on my travels around the country and world. I am not a big shopper and don’t usually buy little Knick knacks unless they hold a special memory for me. They have piled up over the years though.
I still need to finish hanging pictures and getting the bookcase in the living room set. The shelves in it are not set on the right brackets and I need to take all the books out of it and reset it. Once I get the pictures all hung and the bookcase arranged the house will be pretty much how I want it to be. I still have some rearranging to do in some kitchen cabinets and the pantry when the supplies I ordered come in mid week. Not bad for not being here a week yet.
Tomorrow I have lots of errands to run when I go to town to do exercise. In the morning I need to call and make an appointment to get my driver’s license renewed. Hopefully tomorrow will be pay day and the wire transfer of funds will come in. I’m hoping I can find some sort of pen that I can use to put the dogs outside for part of the day. They are really missing being outside most of the time. My fence for them won’t be built for several months.
The rest of the week is free for me except for exercise on Wednesday and Friday and a lunch I am going to on Thursday. That will give me lots of time to slow down and slowly finish up this move.
Making progress everyday on getting settled. I took time out to take a nap in my chair again today. My body is telling me to slow down and allow myself to feel. When something so big happens I don’t think the reality can be absorb quickly. With the big move, Craig’s death and now the theft I know it is going to take time for all of this to be absorbed within.
Still sitting in a good head space. The theft discovery today kinda rocked me for a bit but since I don’t know what is gone except for the two ladders it doesn’t feel too bad. Ladders are easily replaced. Trusting whatever is gone is not irreplaceable.
Grateful for dear friends that helped me out yesterday with the TV, grateful for a kind sheriff deputy today, and grateful for lock and keys.