Sunday, May 19, 2024

Went out this morning first thing and finished painting the shed. Kathy had to come help me do the peak of the shed in the front of it. It has a ramp where I needed to put the ladder. Kathy is four inches taller than I am and could reach the peak. Good to have her help and good to have that job done.

I also hung the last of the pictures. Yay! I put away all the tools I had sitting around waiting for me to get that job done. Nice to be able to cross two big things off my to-do list today.

The only thing I have left to do as far as moving in, is reorganize the shed. I need to pull most everything out and put it back in better organized. It is too hot to do that job today. I also need some muscle to move two storage racks that are too heavy for me to move. They got put in the wrong place on moving day.

The only urgent thing about reorganizing the shed is getting the stuff out of the old shop and into the shed before the guys come to tear down the old shop. I’m not sure when they are coming and I’m not sure they will give me much notice when they do come. I don’t have room in the shed right now for the stuff that is in the old shop but am hoping once I get the shed better organized it will all fit. What doesn’t fit will have to go away.

I still have several projects I need done but am waiting on someone else to be able to cross those things off my list. I need gravel put around the shed and the old foundation that surrounds it. I need a dog pen or fence of some sort set up in the yard so the dogs can go out and stay outside by themselves. I have lots of bricks and other stuff that needs hauled off. I need the back fence line cleaned out and trees cut down. The big brush pile needs burned and then cleaned up afterwards. None of those projects are things I am willing to tackle and I need to find someone to do them.

I am sitting in empty space this afternoon since I completed my to-do list. It feels both heavenly and scary. It will allow me to pick up something new and I am not sure what that will look like or be yet. Life does feel simpler and easier for me. I have lots of options and choices I can choose from. Right now, sitting in empty space and breathing is what I am choosing to do. The last couple of months have been full of chaos and change and it is going to take me a bit of time to settle completely in. Time to slow things down and find a new rhythm and way of being.

I have a relatively quiet week ahead. I do have to go to Topeka for a doctor’s appointment on Thursday and I will go to Emporia three times for exercise. I also have a dinner to go to Thursday evening if I get back from Topeka on time. I am grateful I have a quiet week ahead so I can continue to settle completely in and slow things down.

Grateful for Kathy’s help getting the shed painted, grateful all the pictures are hung, and grateful for empty space.