Sunday, May 14, 2017

Remembered to go to the gym this morning. I went before I took my shower. Easier to get it done that way although I am not usually a very good morning workout person. I am up to 25, 30 or 40 pounds on the various machines. Gradually moving on up! I did two circuits today with 10 reps on each machine. Getting closer to calling the trainer and getting more serious about my workouts. I was the only one in the gym this morning.

The wind is in a hurry again today. I need to spray my hemlock patch and burn what I cut down but way too windy for that today. Hoping I can get it done before I leave for New Mexico Friday.

I put Star’s collar on Roxy this morning so I can leash Roxy when I take her to the Vet tomorrow. You would have though I was killing Star when I was taking off her collar. Legend tried to help me put the collar on Roxy. What a circus! Roxy manages to get her collar off every time I put one on her. Kathy got Roxy put in the pen this morning so I can find Roxy in the morning. She can’t have anything to eat or drink after 10:00 tonight and that is the only way I can feed the others but not Roxy. I’ll have to remember to set my alarm tonight as I have to have Roxy to the vet by 8:30 tomorrow.

I made egg salad for lunch. I have lots of extra eggs right now so decided to use a dozen up. They are at room temperature and they peeled really easy today. I had some Triscuit crackers I ate with it. Trying to avoid white flour. I sure like Ritz crackers better.

We are going to grill chicken and veggies for dinner. May have to put the grill in the garage as windy as it is.

Need to check the feed supply for all the critters and make sure I have enough to get through next weekend since I will be gone. I do a better job of feeding them most times then I do myself. Wish I could eat the same thing all the time and be OK with it like they do. Sure would make grocery shopping easier.

I added a retreat to my schedule. It is being held June 16 – 18. Willow Leenders is the co-host. Willow is bringing two of her friends to present the retreat. Daisy Lee is a Qi Gong Master and Terri Nash is a veteran home birth midwife and a long time student of Tibetan Medicine. The retreat is called Half the Sky – Women’s Healing Empowerment. They will be using gentle Qi Gong exercises, mediation, music and laughter to weave a nourishing and supportive circle for deep inner well being. Details available on my website which is:

I’m sure adding the retreat to my website will be the hardest part of this retreat. Not a good day for me to do technology stuff. Struggled to make things work today. Oh well, that part is done and now the fun can begin. It will be a powerful retreat! Hope you can come!

I am cranky this afternoon. Thinking I need to go out for a walk and let the wind blow some of this crankiness away. Either that or a nap. I need to put myself into time out for a bit.

Windy day. Bright blue skies. Summer is coming soon. All is well on the prairie except for a cranky Kay!