Sunday, March 26, 2023

I had a wonderful surprise today.  Jason and Cody came out and spent a couple of hours with me.  It was so fun to have them here for a bit.  Cody played with legos and Lincoln logs and watched a movie.  He told me the chicks are now big girls.

I haven’t gotten much done today.  I am working on doing my laundry but keep forgetting about it so it sits for a while.  I’ll get it done before the end of the day if I can manage to stay up that late.

I went to bed at 5:30 last night and slept hard until around 9:30.  I got up and then couldn’t go back to sleep until 4:00.  Slept in till 8:30 this morning.  Between the two sleeps I got enough sleep but it didn’t feel that way.

It was nice to stay home all day.  It was even nicer to have Jason and Cody come out.  The sun has came out off and on today but it has been chilly out.  I am so looking forward to warmer temperatures.  I hope we get a bit of spring once it warms up.  I’m afraid it will go directly to summer like temperatures.

Tomorrow I want to go to Emporia and shop the book sale at the library.  I didn’t get a chance to look for books when I worked the sale yesterday.  I need to get the cats and dogs their quarterly flea and tick medication while I am in town.  I will pick up a few groceries and then I won’t have to go back to town for several days.

Thursday or Friday I have to go back to KC to pick up the ring I am having made.  They had to order something so they could set the diamond in the ring I want it in.  It is to be ready Wednesday if the part comes in as expected.

I don’t have anything else on my calendar for this week.  I need to check with some friends and get something scheduled.  Too much free time is not good for me,

Felt a bit down and lonely last night.  I was grateful when I got up this morning I was back up the consciousness ladder.  Not sure why those feelings came up last night but I honored them and sat with them for a bit.  Maybe they just needed to be acknowledged and heard.

Life is interesting at times.  I think I have things figured out and then curve balls get thrown at me and things change.  Sometimes it takes me a bit to keep up with the changes.  I need to create a new picture in my head of what my future is going to look like.  I don’t have a clear sense of what it might be like right now.  I need to make some new dreams and hopes and do a mind shift of sorts.

Grateful Jason and Cody came to play with me today, grateful I was able to allow my feelings to be what they were and they sailed on through, and grateful for the unlimited potential of my future.