Sunday, March 25, 2018

I am almost afraid to write this as I don’t want to spook myself.  My Fitbit tells me I have gotten 8 hours of sleep (or more) five of the last seven nights.  I can’t even begin to tell you the last time that happened.  I am still waking up five or more times during the night, sometimes for minutes and other times for hours.  However, the fact that I am able to go back to sleep and get more sleep is amazing.  My deep sleep periods are increasing each night.

This almost feels like a miracle to me.  I am no longer taking my sleeping pill and am considering stopping the non-prescription sleep aids.  The only thing I am doing different is eating the Bright Line Eating Plan.  Can sugar and flour have been the cause of my insomnia for all these years?  Beginning to think so.  That provides me a lot of motivation to stay on plan.

I started Bright Line Eating to get off sugar and flour so my cancer wouldn’t return.  Sugar and flour feed cancer.  Between that motivation and now the bonus of fixing my insomnia I think I have found an eating plan that is right for me.

A quiet day at home on the prairie planned today.  Nothing that needs to be done other than starting spring house cleaning.  If the mood hits I will get that started today.  Otherwise I will knit on the throw I am making some more.  The chicken coop will need cleaned out sometime this week but think I will wait for a sunny day with little wind to do that.  Trusting one day this week I will get a nice day.  The no wind part is the hard part.

Nicole made it to Barcelona where she will be boarding a cruise ship.  Our first stop in May for our Italy adventure is Barcelona.  She took a tour of the city while waiting for time to pass this morning so she could board the ship.  She was going to scoop out the city so she can figure out what we are going to do for our two or three days we are there in May.

No rain yet today but it looks good that I might get some overnight tonight.  I eagerly await its arrival.  I am in the mood to mow my yard but I need it to turn green and grow first.  Need rain to make that happen.  With the fire danger so high it scares me a bit to have the yard surrounding the house be so brown and dry.  I need a fire barrier around the house.  Not going to water through as I don’t think that is a good use of water I have to pay for.  Besides I can’t even imagine how long it would take for me to water to get a big enough barrier around my house.

Remembered to buy some starter fluid so I can get my mower started.  I went in the hardware store in Strong City and ask for some magic spray.  It took me a minute to realize the real name for it is starter fluid.  My old mower had issues starting and when my brother gave me a can of starter fluid and taught me how to use it the mower would start at the first turn of the key.  I thought it was magic!  That is what the guy that came out a month ago to start my mower used too.

I saw a recipe for a blend of essential oils that is to calm your tummy.  I tried it and it works.  My tummy rumbles a lot now – it doesn’t hurt but the sound of it bothers me. The blend immediately calms it down. I put some on Ellexia the other day when she complained about her tummy hurting and it worked for her quickly too.  The blend uses 2 oz of almond oil as the base to which you add 5 drops of grapefruit essential oil, 5 drops of lemon essential oil, and 5 drops of cypress essential oil.  I put my blend in a little spray bottle and spray it around my belly button and then massage it in.  Highly recommend it!  Supposedly it is to help melt abdomen fat too.  If it does that it will be a bonus.

Grateful for longer periods of deep sleep for the first time in years, grateful for essential oils and the comfort they bring to me, and grateful for magic and the many ways it shows up in my life.