It has been a quiet day at home. A friend came over and I did her tax return for her. I will take the return when I do taxes Wednesday to have it reviewed and then get it filed for her. I’m grateful I learned I can do taxes for friends and family and take the information in to have them reviewed without having to have the client there too.
I haven’t done much this weekend. I had hoped to have a productive day today but other than doing one tax return I didn’t do anything else. It felt good to have two quiet days of nothing this weekend.
I need to go to Emporia tomorrow to drop off my iPad at CVS for UPS pickup. I need to pickup a few groceries while I am in town. I don’t think I have any other errands to do while I am in town so it will be a quick trip to town.
Tuesday should be another stay at home day. I have something each day the rest of the week. I need to get a hair cut on my schedule this week too. Hoping I can do it and not have to add another trip to town this week.
The world feels small to me tonight. I seem to have disconnected from it somehow. Not sure if this is a good thing or not – guess it is what it is.
I haven’t been able to find any articles that help me understand if the one day economic blackout had any impact. I have a feeling the week long Amazon blackout March 7 -14 will have a bigger impact since it is longer. I put it on my calendar to remind me not to order anything from Amazon that week. I’m grateful someone came up with this idea so I can participate in an active resistance.
Grateful to be of a little help to a friend, grateful to have the privilege to disconnect from the world as I need to, and grateful for ways to actively resist.