Sunday, June 2, 2024

This has been a very non productive day. Woke up feeling achy all over and absolutely no energy. Decided to make it a rest day and go with the flow. I dozed off and on in my chair most of the day.

For some reason my shoulder hurt during the night and most of the day. It does that for no reason every once in a while. All my joints seemed to hurt today. They are finally calming down this late afternoon. Wish I knew what made them do that.

Tomorrow I have to go to Emporia for exercise in the afternoon. I need to stop at Walmart and picked up a few things. I have got to find a solution to Ellie, my cat. When she uses the litter box, she sticks her ass over the side and her pee goes on the rug or the floor. It makes a smelly mess. I need a high sided litter box and maybe one with a lid. I’m tired of cleaning up her messes.

I am feeling better now. I may even attempt to do some painting yet today. I sure would like to get that project taken care of.

The dogs spent most of the day outside in their new pen. They seem to be adjusting to it better. They rarely bark while they are outside. When we bring them in the house after they have been outside, they sack out and sleep lots. Kathy took Ellie outside and put her in the pen today too. She hid behind the dog house most of the day. Not sure she liked being in a big pen.

I sure enjoy having the dogs outside for a bit each day. The house feels much bigger when they are both outside.

Chalking this day up to a day of rest. Trusting tomorrow I will have more energy and will be able to do something. Some days are like this and I have learned to listen to what my body wants and allow.

Grateful I had nothing urgent that had to be done today, grateful for a day of rest, and grateful my energy is starting to return.