Sunday, June 16. 2024

Happy Father’s Day to my daddy. Even though he has been gone for 24 yers, I miss him and his physical presence in my life. He continues to guide me and help me when I need it the most.

This is my kids first Father’s Day without Craig. It has been a hard day for all of us. The grief is still fresh and hard and his presence is very much missed. I missed texting Craig today and thanking him for being such an awesome father to my kids.

I haven’t done much today. It has been a hard, emotional day and things felt hard today. I knew better than to attempt to do anything as I knew it wouldn’t go easy, My TV disconnected from the internet and it was all I could do to reconnect it. I got it done but…….

The empty space today has felt heavy. I heard the inner voice pushing me to do, do do today. I had nothing on my to-do list to do and couldn’t think of anything to do. I had an inner struggle going all day long. Haven’t experienced that for a bit.

When I zoom out and observe myself, I know grief is finally breaking through and coming out. When that happens, my logical brain stops functioning and it is hard to turn down the inner critic. It helps to write this out and see it for what it was.

One of those days, they happen! The good news is tomorrow will be here soon enough and holds new possibilities and potential.

Grateful for the life and love of my daddy, grateful for the life and love of Craig and grateful tomorrow is a new day.