Relief from the heat at last! Only got 1/4 inch of rain last night and I welcomed every drop. Everyone on my corner of the prairie is much happier today – including all the critters. It is only to be 93 today – feels like a cool day compared to what we have had the last few days.
KC caught the biggest part of the storm last night. They had wind gusts of over 70 mph and side ways rain. Nicole doesn’t have power and has a big tree branch down in her back yard at her rental house. Luckily she doesn’t have any trees down at her old house. Her neighbors at the old house have lots of big trees down. She sure got lucky. It is about time she caught a break.
Nicole got two offers on her old house yesterday. One was really good and she accepted it. They want to close August 2. They have five days to do inspections if they want to do any so Nicole won’t know until the end of the week if the deal will go through. Her realtor was optimistic it would go through as it is an investor who is buying her house and he knows what he is buying. Fingers crossed this deal will work and she will be done with this house.
May do some mowing this afternoon and take advantage of the cooler day. My yard was mowed and hay put up last week. I like to mow the rest of the tall grass so when they burn next spring the grass is an even height. It is hard and dirty mowing though. I have lots of hidden rocks in my yard. I have already had two oops with my mower this year so trusting I won’t have three.
Kathy put up a tarp on the chicken coop so they have more shade. We may have to take it down when the wind blows too hard so it won’t damage the fence. I need to remember to put a permanent shade of some sorts on my wish list. The chickens looked much happier this morning and are spending time in their yard today. I have already gotten more eggs today than I did all day yesterday.
I have some friends coming over in the morning so need to do some house cleaning today. I haven’t cleaned much since the retreat a month ago. Kathy has done some for me thank heavens, but it is time to do a deep clean. I always feel better when my house is really clean.
Finally feeling like I have some energy today. Maybe I will put some of it to good use and get a few things done around here. Seems like there is always something that needs done.
Cooler day on the prairie today. I so appreciate the break from the intense heat. All is well and refreshed on the prairie today.