I had a good time at Pioneer Bluffs serving the dinner last night. The only dish I brought home empty was the crock pot that had been full of BBQ Meatballs. Not sure what I am going to do with the other leftovers. I will offer them to my long-term boarder when he returns tonight.
Got a last-minute booking for tonight. The guest won’t be here until 8:00 tonight and has an appointment in the morning to look at some property so he won’t be here long. I’m glad I had gotten that room cleaned and flipped last week. Not in the mood to clean today.
Came home last night bloated, swollen and not feeling good. Feel a bit better today but not back to myself yet. I’m still feeling very tired and have very little energy today. Not sure what caused it. I haven’t eaten off plan. I wonder if I got a touch dehydrated. It was pretty warm while I was running around the barn at Pioneer Bluffs yesterday. Trying not to give in and take a nap this afternoon. That seems to be what my body wants me to do. I hate to get that cycle started though as if I nap I will have trouble sleeping tonight.
Have some people coming over for a Pioneer Bluff’s committee meeting tomorrow afternoon and then at 5:30 I am meeting my rental property manager and the insurance adjuster to see what the insurance company is going to cover so I can replace two roofs. Other than flipping the bedroom that is all that is on my calendar for tomorrow. May try to get some housecleaning done in the morning if I have the energy and motivation to do so.
The kids are driving home from their vacation to Tennessee today. Glad I don’t have to travel 13 hours today. Sounds like they have had a wonderful time and the kiddos got to see and do some things they have never done before. What wonderful memories they created!
Finally got the last two sets of tea towels I had embroidery pressed and tied up. I had stamped two more sets Friday but didn’t take the time to press the two I have finished. I wanted to get the ironing board put away so I got them pressed this morning. Always feels good to get them pressed and put away. Sure wished I knew what I was going to do with them.
Have been having some low blood pressure lately. When I go to my family doctor Wednesday I am going to ask him about decreasing my blood pressure medication dosage or even possibly stopping it for a trial run to see what happens. I skipped my pill this morning as my blood pressure was 85/65. Didn’t think I needed it to go any lower.
Craving an adventure and the trip to Australia seems a long ways away. I only have two or three days in a row I can get away and go somewhere. Just can’t think of any place I want to go that is not too far away. There are a couple of places in KS I want to go see so maybe I will do a day trip or two.
Having trouble keeping my eyes open. Best get my body moving or I am going to fall asleep typing.
Grateful for the gathering last night at Pioneer Bluffs, grateful for a bit cooler temperatures outside today, and grateful for another guest coming today.