I took a quiet day today. I fixed breakfast for Tagen and then he went to his other grandmother’s house for the day. It has been quiet in the house today without him here.
I went out and finished up the mowing. I need to remember to fill my gas containers for the next mow as I am out of gas. If we don’t get any rain I won’t have to mow for a long time. The outer edges of the yard are burned up and even the inner edges are dry.
I did two loads of laundry and got them folded and put away. I seem to be doing more laundry these days. I have always enjoyed doing laundry so don’t mind having a bit more to do.
The wedding last night was beautiful. I wish Dean and Brittani a life time together of love and happiness. It was a good day for this momma to get to spend time with all three of my kiddos. Those are my favorite type of days.
I started a new grocery order that I will pick up Wednesday. Most of the things on the order are things Tagen likes to eat/drink. I am learning more about what he likes and what to fix for dinner each night. He is easy to please and fix for.
Monday I need to go to Emporia to deposit a check, drop off a bunch of donations at the Salvation Army Thrift Store and then pick up a load of chicken feed. I may try to get some more things of Michelles if I have room in my car for them. I’m grateful I have a car that has lots of back space to carry boxes and things in. My old Prius would not have been very helpful.
I started a packing list for the cruise. I found some small sunscreen containers that I am ordering from Walmart with my grocery order. Since I won’t be checking a bag I have to find some that are less than 3 ounces per container. I also found some sunburn lotion to take with us. My past experience at beach towns tells me they charge a lot for those products if you wait to buy them when you need it. I don’t want to run out with three full days in the sun planned.
Since Tagen is gone today I won’t have to fix dinner tonight. I will have to find myself something later to eat. It is nice to have a day off from cooking. We ate out last night so I got two nights of cooking off this weekend. What a deal!
I have another Tonglen practice scheduled for tonight. I hope someone shows up to practice with me. If not, Kathy and I will do it ourselves.
Feeling a bit restless today for some reason. I need to get a few things on my calendar for me to do. I have all next week wide open and that can feel a bit lonely and overwhelming to me. I do better when I have something planned for the week.
Grateful for a quiet day at home, grateful for the time with my kiddos and family last night, and grateful the mowing is done for a bit.