Nine eggs from the girls today. Tagen came up with his pockets and hands full. I suggested he start using a bucket to carry them up. We shall see if he listens. I can just see a pocket or two full of broken eggs in his future if he doesn’t start using a bucket to carry the eggs in.
I went out and painted for an hour or so. I worked on the black rod painting today. After dinner I may go back out and do another set or two of railing rods. It is the slow going type of painting. Sure looks nice when it is done, though.
Fixing hamburgers, hot dogs and macaroni and cheese for dinner tonight. Michelle is going to town to pick Ellexia up and bring her out for the week. Kid approved menu tonight for sure.
We are in a severe thunderstorm watch for the evening. So far no clouds in the sky. Rain has been all around us again today but none here on the prairie where I am. Sure wish the east coast could ship their rain to us. They are getting too much and we don’t get enough. Kinda like a lot of things, I guess.
I finished my mowing yesterday. My eyes are still dumping out grass pieces. Mowing seems to really bother my eyes this year for some reason. The grasshoppers are still thick. We had a swarm of wood bees in the yard too. Hadn’t seen a swarm like that before.
A week from now Ellexia and I will be headed to the airport for our flight to LA and then the cruise. Since she will be here this week, we can talk about packing and what to take and what not to take. We won’t be checking a bag so will be traveling light.
The plumber and the dryer are to come this week. I know when the dryer will be arriving but not sure about the plumber yet. Wednesday I am spending most of the day in Wichita getting my iPhone screen replaced. No other plans for the coming week. I will need to do a few things to get things ready to be gone. Luckily I have built-in house sitters this time.
I had trouble falling asleep last night. Finally remembered I had forgotten to take my nightly pills which include the sleep aid. I got up and took them and sat up for about an hour and then was able to go to sleep. I didn’t sleep as much as I would like to since I didn’t go to sleep until 5:00 this morning. I hate sleeping all morning so got up around 9:30, which is later than I like to get up.
I told Kathy today that between us we have one good brain. She forgot to put something away after she had her lunch. Good thing we work well together and can remind each other when the other forgets something.
I’m not as cranky as I was yesterday but not fully back to where I want to be either. It has been a quiet day at home which is what I needed. I hope I don’t have to go to town until I go to Wichita on Wednesday. I will do a grocery order to pick up Thursday sometime. I’ll have to think about this order as it will have to get the kiddos through until I get home from the cruise. At least Ellexia will be with me and won’t be hitting the snacks at home.
Grateful some more painting got done, grateful for 9 eggs from the girls today, and grateful Tagen loves doing chicken chores.