This has been a delightful quiet day at home. I haven’t gotten anything done. It is so nice to stay home and listen to the quiet.
I have watched part of the game but turned it off. I was feeling old watching it. I rarely watch live TV and had no idea what most of the commercials were trying to sell. I didn’t recognize the names of the singers and have no idea who the person is that is doing the halftime show. Man I am old and out of touch!
I am doing taxes in the morning for an hour or so before my doctor’s appointment and then I will go back after the appointment to help finish up the day. Someone is coming in at 10:00 to take my place for an hour or so. When I get done with taxes I will drop my taxes off at my accountant’s office.
Tuesday I go to KU. It sounds like I will be able to go as the snow is not to come until evening. Hoping I can get home before it starts. Wednesday is a stay at home day so I can stay inside and watch the snow fly.
Feeling a bit empty tonight. It has been good to have two days of quiet shelter. I didn’t read much news this weekend. I needed to tune it all out for a bit. Something tells me it is going to bubble up this week and be hard to avoid and ignore. I work hard at not letting my mind run away from me and go down the rabbit hole.
Grateful for a quiet day at home, grateful I will be in service tomorrow doing taxes, and grateful the snow is waiting to come until Tuesday evening.