Sunday, February 24, 2019

It has been another lazy day on the prairie.  I had a rare empty space day and have done absolutely nothing today.  I must be tired as I have no motivation to get anything done.  Good thing I didn’t have anything that had to be done today other than chores.  I did unload the feed I got earlier this week from my car and get it sorted into smaller containers.

The sun has shined most of the day although clouds are trying hard to take over the sky this afternoon.  It only got up to 35 today but tomorrow the sun is to return and it is to get up to 51.  I am so ready for a warmer day.

Tomorrow I am going to the Senior Center in Cottonwood Falls in the afternoon to do taxes.  That will be a new place to do them in for me and should be a fun afternoon.  Wonder if I will know anyone that comes in to have them done.  I really enjoy doing them and appreciate the clients that I have met.

Ellexia is sick with a high fever.  I have been sending her healing light and love and trusting that she will feel better soon.  Michelle took her into the Urgent Care Clinic.  Not sure what the diagnosis was as the clinic is out of flu swaps.  It is hard to see little ones sick but they normally get well fairly quickly.

I haven’t made it into Emporia to buy groceries yet.  May wait and go in the morning or I may find some energy and do it yet this afternoon.  I don’t need much and it is hard to drive in for only three things.

I still have standing water in my back yard.  The ground must be frozen enough that the water isn’t soaking in.  The dogs look like they have been making mud pies and the chicken coop is a big mud pie.  Grateful for my muck books today.  I held on to the fence in the chicken coop so I wouldn’t fall down.  Mud is slick!

I was able to get out of the tub and dressed last night without falling over.  Progress!  I skipped my BP pill yesterday.  I took it this morning.  I made an appointment to go see my family doctor Tuesday this week.  Thinking I don’t need the BP pills anymore – or at least need a lower dose if I still need them.

Sitting in my peaceful valley.  Feels like I have been here for a long time.  I have fallen into the muck pond a very times but didn’t stay in it very long.  It is nice to have found some smooth sailing for a bit.  The world has a lot of chaos happening and it can be a challenge to hold my center when I am out in the world.  Starting and ending each day in my peaceful valley helps with that.

Grateful for a beautiful, quiet day on the prairie, grateful to be living in my peaceful valley, and grateful for all the healing thoughts and concerns friends and family have sent me.