Sunday, February 2, 2025

It was almost 70 degrees in KS today. It makes me a bit nervous when we have weather outside the norms by lots. I did enjoy the day though.

Worked on taxes today. I am about 70% done. I want to get them to the accountant yet this week. I’ll have some free time tomorrow and Tuesday afternoons and hope to get them done then.

I listened to a world wide meditation for peace today. It originated in Germany and had participants from over 30 countries. Deva Premal and Miten sang during it. It gives me hope to know things like this are happening. I believe with all my heart the energy that was generated from this event today can help change the world.

I have been binge watching The Resident this afternoon. Still have most of season five to go. It makes me cry and I needed that today. I had some emotion that needed to be released and those shows help me do it today.

Learned about a rally at the state capitol on Wednesday. I plan on going and have room in my car for four more if anyone wants to ride along. It is time for our voices and presence to be seen and heard.

Tomorrow I have to be at my doctor’s appointment in Topeka at 10:30. I will leave home at 9:00. I will stop and have lunch afterwards and run an errand and then I will stop in Emporia for exercise on the way home. I’m grateful my exercise program will be done next week when I complete the final two days of testing.

The exercise program helped me get better balance but it did not give me what I had hoped it would. Now I need to figure out how to get what I want. The exercise program discouraged us from exercising outside of what the program called for.

I found myself unregulated today. I finally managed to get regulated but it took some time. I spent too much time reading the news this morning and didn’t shut it down when I got overwhelmed. It is so easy right now to get pulled into the muck. When I get pulled in to the muck pond my brain functions differently and I lose the ability to think rationally. It can be hard to climb back out unless one knows what is happening. No wonder so many people are angry and overwhelmed.

Grateful for this beautiful taste of spring, grateful for the meditation today, and grateful for the upcoming rally at the Capital on Wednesday.