A friend came into town last night and invited me to have dinner with her at Ad Astra. It was nice to have a face-to-face adult conversation. Thanks Willow! It was good to catch up with you.
My goal today is to clean my house but I am having trouble getting started with that project. I finished putting away the files I had out from doing my taxes and emptied some trash but that is as far as I have gotten. Feeling a bit sleepy and lazy today. Guess there is always tomorrow if the motivation doesn’t strike today.
I woke to the sunrise this morning. I had missed seeing it while I was in town last week. There are bright blue skies and sunshine this afternoon. The wind is in a bit of a hurry though so feels colder than it actually is. What I probably should do is go out for a hike and get some fresh air. My cough is almost gone and I think I can tolerate a walk today. I’ll go down to take care of the chickens in a bit and see how I do. I am loving the sunshine today.
It has been a quiet day at home so far. I have needed a day to stay home and recharge my body. May go take a nap in a bit. I might as well sleep if I am not going to clean – right?
I managed to stay on plan yesterday with my eating and didn’t give into the craving for peanut butter. That felt good. So far I have held to plan today. My body likes me better when I stick to plan. Now I need to start moving my body again and I will be back to normal. If it is too cold to walk today I will get on the stationary bike and ride for a bit.
Sitting in my peaceful valley. Doing taxes for others has really made me grateful for what I have. I so remember the days when I lived paycheck to paycheck and was one emergency away from a financial disaster. I wish the politicians would come spend a day doing taxes and seeing the reality of how people have to live. I am so disgusted with the games the politicians play that impact the people who can least afford it.
Grateful for this beautiful sunshiny day, grateful I am back on track with my eating, and grateful for friends that come to visit.