I decided to make this a pajama day. I had no plans to go anywhere and no real reason to get dressed. It has been delightful to have two stay at home days back to back. One of these days soon I will have a productive day but not sure when.
I might go to Emporia in the morning as it sounds like we are getting up to and maybe over 5 inches of snow Monday evening and Tuesday. I will need some groceries if I am going to get snowed in for several days.
It is also going to get bitter cold for the next couple days. The forecast shows -13 for Wednesday night. Dang it anyways. Grateful it is the middle of February and that means winter won’t last too much longer. I always appreciate that February is a short month. March gives me hope for warmer temperatures, spring flowers and green grass.
I am calling KU tomorrow to talk about options for Tuesday. I am rather sure I won’t be able to go and not sure they can reschedule as they have some sort of cut off to get the testing done. It won’t hurt my feelings if I don’t have to take the test.
If I don’t go to KU Tuesday and don’t do taxes on Tuesday I will have three more stay at home days. I am betting they will cancel taxes on Tuesday due to the storm. Thinking by Thursday they will have the roads clear enough that I can go to Emporia and do taxes.
I probably should come up with a project to work on during this extended time at home. I feel better about myself when I am somewhat productive. Just not sure what I can come up with to do.
The outside world feels miles and miles away today. I haven’t read the news the last two days and blocked everything out. The duality of living in two worlds feels very real right now. I kinda like my little isolated world. It does feel very small though.
Grateful for a quiet day at home, grateful for a warm house, and grateful I like staying home.