It has been a quiet day on the prairie. I woke up earlier than I have been and couldn’t go back to sleep so I was up, showered and dressed by 7:00 this morning. I did two loads of laundry but not sure anything else has gotten accomplished today.
I turned the Super Bowl on just a bit ago so will watch that this evening. Tim and Michelle invited me to come in and watch it with them but am struggling to go to town today. Think I will stay home and listen to it here. Just can’t people today. I did so appreciate the invitation though.
Nothing on the calendar for tomorrow. It will be another quiet day on the prairie. Project Clean House will commence. I would like to get the three bedrooms and two bathrooms downstairs cleaned tomorrow. We will see how far I get.
My newest binge watching is Madam Secretary. I haven’t finished the first season yet. It is one of those series that I can watch two or three and then have to take a break. So far it hasn’t had a story line that I have to watch the next show so I can know what happens. It does give one an appreciation for the types of give and take that our government uses through out the world. Wish things were as easy to solve as they appear on the show.
I did remember to water the plants downstairs today. I don’t think they got watered last week. They didn’t look bad today so maybe they will forgive me and continue to grow. They are some that belonged to Jim and he didn’t take them. They are spider plants which are fairly easy to grow. They are sending out new spiders so thinking they are doing OK.
I rarely watch live TV. I am sitting here totally confused as I watch the commercials advertising things that I have never heard of before. I am playing a game with myself tonight as I watch the Super Bowl and tracking how many commercials I can guess correctly what they are advertising. So far, I am not doing very well. I am out of the loop of being hip and cool and current. Guess my age is showing tonight!
Grateful for a quiet day on the prairie, grateful I remembered to water my plants, and grateful I don’t have to be current and hip.