Sunday, December 8, 2024

I spent a quiet day at home. I needed today at home. As Winter Solstice comes closer I am finding my relationship to time is wonky and I struggle to make much of anything important enough to do. Both of these things are part of the end of the cycle I am in. Knowing that makes it easier to accept and lean in to.

I got my Christmas cards done today. It is fun to think about each of the people I am sending one too and remember the memories we have created together. I will mail them on my way to Emporia tomorrow. Grateful that project is off my pending list. I also contacted a guy that did some work on the rental house. I hadn’t gotten a bill from him which is unusual as he is usually prompt in billing. He said he emailed it but for some reason I didn’t get it or else it went to spam and I didn’t see it before I erased my spam. Either way, I got a check ready to mail to him tomorrow.

Tomorrow I have to go to town for exercise at 2:00. I need to take Ellexia’s birthday presents to her as I will not see her Wednesday as I leave town that day. I need to stop and get her two more things and then I can deliver her presents.

I need to take care of getting one more thing for the rental house before I leave town so will take care of that tomorrow too. I also need to stop and pay the repair bill for the water line leaks at this house.

Jason let me know the shingles for his new roof have been delivered and put on top of his house so am betting they will start that project one day next week. He has a small house so should only take them a day or two to complete that job.

Looked up the forecast for the Sedona, AZ area and was surprised their high is only in the upper 50’s for the time I will be there. I wasn’t sure what type of clothes to take but now know to take stuff for cooler weather.. I was thinking I would need warm weather clothes so grateful I checked. I don’t like being too cold or too hot.

I didn’t get any fudge made today as it was cloudy today. Some years ago I discovered I have better luck making fudge when it is a sunny day. Trusting next week will have some sunny days so I can get it made. I need to get some made so I can send some to Gene as part of his Christmas present. As slow as the mail is these days his package may be late for Christmas since I won’t mail it until I come home next week.

Two more days before my short trip to AZ. It will be nice to leave my long to-do list and the Christmas pressure for a bit. I’m looking forward to the hot air balloon ride and seeing and feeling the different vortexes we will be visiting outside of Sedona. I love the southwest and look forward to returning there.

I will have lots to do when I return as I will only have six days to be ready for our family Christmas on the 21st. I will do what I can do and release the rest. Perfection is no longer on my agenda of life. We will gather and enjoy each other and that is what is most important.

Grateful the Christmas cards are ready to be mailed, grateful for a quiet day at home, and grateful for my memories of days gone by.