Sunday, December 29, 2024

Sophia had tummy issues yesterday. She woke me up around 1:00 this morning as she needed to go outside. She woke me up again this morning. Trust she will recover quickly.

I cleaned the pantry on the back porch out today. Went through all the Tupperware and sorted lids to containers. Threw away a bunch of stuff that I had moved but haven’t used since I have been here. I can now find what I need in the pantry. I even have some empty space.

Finished cleaning my bedroom. I had sorted all the clothes the other day and just needed to finish up the little stuff. Feels good to have those two projects completed. I have some work to do in the dining room and kitchen and my decluttering project will be completed. The nice thing about a small house is it doesn’t take long.

This house functions best when it is not overstuffed with stuff. It will hold what I need but not extras. I always feel lighter when I can find stuff to get rid of. I like having empty space in my cabinets and in my life.

Tomorrow I am picking Ellexia up at 9:30 and we are headed to KC to spend the day. We are meeting Nicole for lunch. Ellexia has a sweater to return and money in her pocket to spend. It will be a fun day.

I made some homemade potato soup this afternoon. I hadn’t had it for a long time and it was delicious. I don’t usually eat white potatoes but for some reason was craving potato soup. Have enough leftover for another meal of it.

What a beautiful day out today. I can’t believe it is this warm the end of the year. I did read that there is a cold front coming in over the next ten days. Guess it is time for some real winter weather. Maybe we will get lucky and it won’t hang around. Sure don’t want a repeat of last January when I got snowed in for eight days.

I don’t have any New Year’s Eve plans. I usually don’t celebrate it much. I don’t like crowds and noise. Am thinking of having some friends over but haven’t gotten anything organized yet.

Sophia turned eight years old today. She has been a great dog – she loves people and is very gentle. People seem to naturally navigate towards her. Ellie, the fat cat, turned nine on Christmas Day. Hard to remember life without these two.

My divorce from Jim was final two years ago today. I have come a long ways baby! I had fallen into a very deep hole and wasn’t sure I would ever find my way out of it. With the help of an excellent therapist, some great friends, and support of my family I made it out! I will be eternally grateful to all those that gave me a hand up during that dark time in my life. I have reached the point I am grateful it happened as since that time I have learned lots about myself. Sometimes it takes the Universe to hit me up the side of my head with a 2 x 4 to get my attention.

Grateful for the joy Sophia brings to my life, grateful for homemade potato soup, and grateful for the decluttering that is happening around here.

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