I got my New Year’s Cookies made this morning. Not sure they turned out very good. I’ll try some later and check them but may need to do another batch. Not sure what I did wrong. They didn’t raise up very much and tasted heavy.
The basement overflow drain backed up again last night. We tried plunging it again but didn’t have much luck. Sucked up as much as we could with the wet vac. Put some baking soda and vinegar down the drain. It drains very slowly today and if I keep using the wet vac have been able to do dishes without creating a big mess downstairs. The guy that has a snake called me back. He has the flu but will try to get out early next week.
Tim brought Ellexia out this morning, Tim and Michelle needed to finish up some Christmas errands and needed a little one away from the house for a bit. Kathy and Ellexia went outside and made snow angels this morning and are watching The Polar Express movie downstairs now. I am thinking about taking a nap when I get done writing. I didn’t sleep very good last night. Don’t have a lot of energy today.
Got everything ready for our family Christmas tomorrow at Craig’s house. Need to find a couple of boxes to load everything into and I will be ready to go. Need to remember to take some left over containers so I can get rid of some of these cookies and candies. My body is ready for me to go off sugar again.
i want to get Gene’s box put together today. I’ll drop it in the mail Tuesday morning. At least he will have it before New Year’s Day. I missed the Christmas deadline.
We got a very light dusting of snow overnight. The sun is shining brightly this afternoon but it is cold out. Nice to have a white Christmas with just enough snow to make it white without creating a huge mess. We can be done with snow for the season now as far as I am concerned.
Christmas is tomorrow! Maybe the spirit of the season will find me yet.
White Christmas! Shopping and wrapping is done. Family gathering tomorrow. All is well and beautiful on the snow dusted prairie today!