Sunday, December 1, 2024

Another quiet stay at home day. I am so grateful for these types of day that refill my soul.

The ice skating rink outside had grown lots overnight. I was getting concerned it was going to harm the new sidewalks so called the emergency number for the city. A guy came and drained the water out of the water meter hole and turned off the water. It took him a long time to get all the water out of it. As soon as he would turn his little pump off the hole would fill with water again.

He still isn’t sure if it is on my side or on the city side. He is thinking my side but won’t know until they do some work on it tomorrow. He is going to coordinate with the people I called Saturday and will come back over in the morning to help fix it. Grateful for his attention and time on this cold day.

I currently don’t have water in the house. We filled some buckets up before it got turned off and fixed a temporary potty. No shower or bath for me tonight. Hoping the workers all show up tomorrow and can get it fixed. It may take a couple of days for it all to get going again but we shall see. Preparing myself for another couple of days without water but hoping it will be back on tomorrow.

I worked on my annual Christmas letter today. I have the first draft done but like to sit on it and read it again a couple more times to make sure I didn’t miss a typo or something important that happened during the year that I wanted to include. It always amazes me how much I do during a year. I keep thinking things are going to slow down and get boring but that hasn’t happened yet. Maybe I am not old enough yet.

Kathy went to Casey’s and got a pizza for dinner tonight. Without water it is a challenge to make anything – or at least that is the excuse we used to indulge in pizza.

Tomorrow I have the water repair guys coming in the morning. In the afternoon I have to be in Emporia at 2:00 for exercise and then I am going to buy groceries to start making my Christmas treats. I also need to stop by the court house and find out how to renew my passport and get it sent in to take care of that. Tuesday I am going to KC for an eye doctor appointment and then am having lunch with Nicole. I don’t think I have any other plans for the week until I am meeting up with Tagen on Friday to take care of a banking issue. Saturday I am going to Pioneer Bluffs to help with a Newsletter mailing.

Grateful I have a couple of stay at home days during the week. My soul and body do better when I get several of those a week.

I need to make some phone calls tomorrow. I never heard back from the guy that is going to replace the sewer line at the rental house and I need to find out what’s up with him. I also need to make a dental appointment. The VoTech hasn’t called me yet this year and my teeth seriously need cleaned. The drain guy hasn’t sent me a bill yet and I need to find out how much I owe him.

It has been a delight to have several stay at home days in a row. I almost feel like I can deal with people again.

Grateful for the city guy that came on the weekend to help me with the water issue, grateful for another stay at home day, and grateful for repair people that know how to fix things.