Sunday, August 5, 2018

Had a fun afternoon at Pioneer Bluffs.  I didn’t get to listen to the Heritage Talk or the music as I was downstairs working.

Met a local life-long Chase County lady that knew some of my mother’s family.  I wasn’t able to follow her story but what I got was a house that was built by her grandfather is a house my great-grandparents lived in.  She knew my grandmother and her siblings.  We decided we were family!  She had a Chase County historical book with her that had a picture of my great-grandparents and my great-great grandparents in it.  I gave her my address and she is going to mail me a copy of that page from her book.  It is a small world we live in.

One advantage to living in Chase County is finding people who have been here a long time and remember my family.  There is a spark of connection when ever I find someone who knew the Patton’s.

Have my last batch of peach jam in the water bath.  Five more minutes and that job will be done for the year.  I ended up with 46 – 12 oz jars.  Should be more than enough for the gifts I want to give.  Sure smells good – hope it tastes good too.

This afternoon I am going into Prairie Past Times for Art Day.  It is good for me to get out and visit with other people.  I came home exhausted yesterday after spending the afternoon around people.  If I get tired today I will leave early.

Got one of the two bids I requested to replace the roofs on two of my rental properties.  My property manager said not to replace the guttering as a few dents won’t keep it from working properly.  I’ll give the other guy another two or three days and if I don’t hear from him I’ll accept the other bid.  Insurance paid for about half of the cost which was about what I expected.  Sure hate to spend money replacing roofs but know what will happen if I don’t and that would end up costing even more.

Successfully pulled the jam out of the water bath.  The tongs pinched my finger but I didn’t burn myself.  I will consider that a successful batch!  Glad that project is completed for this year.

Have nothing on my calendar for tomorrow – empty space returns!  Think I will stay home all day and enjoy the quiet.  Nothing I have to get done tomorrow so may take a PJ day and do nothing.

Feeling a bit restless today – not sure where that is coming from.  My mind is quiet but underneath is a touch of nervousness for some reason.  I’ll sit with it and see what it has to tell me.  Nothing going on that I am aware of to make me feel that way.

Grateful for meeting new “family” and the connections and memories we shared, grateful for completing my peach jam project for the year without any major disaster, and grateful for empty space tomorrow – my soul needs it!