The garage is packed and almost clean. What a dirty job that was. I don’t think it had been cleaned since Jim left. I used the leaf blower and got the worst of it out. When it is completely empty I will have to sweep it again. It was a touch windy today and things I blew out blew right back in.
I think I need a shower. I am about as dirty as I remember ever being. I have dirt in places it doesn’t belong. My mouth feels like a dry pile of dirt. I keep drinking but it doesn’t seem to help. I’m sure this too shall pass.
Michelle came and got the camper out of the barn today. Yay! One more thing that needed taken care of done. Now I need to get back down to the barn and finish cleaning it up. It is all but done but I still have some things to make go away and then the floor will need to be cleaned.
I am really tired of getting rid of things. I am to the point of donating what is left or just leaving things behind. The buyer said he would take whatever I didn’t want to take. Wonder if he really means that? He might be sorry he said that.
I have a full car load to take to town tomorrow of stuff that needs to go away. I have a feeling once the car is empty I will fill it back up again with more stuff. I hope the Salvation Army doesn’t make me stop dropping things off.
Stick a fork in me – I am done! Too bad there is lots more that needs done. Maybe tomorrow I can find some reserves and go at it again.
A week from Tuesday is moving day. It can’t come soon enough for me. I don’t close on the sale of the house until May 3 so will have time to unpack at the new house and then come back here and do a final clean. When I bought this house it was really dirty and I can’t leave it like that for the new owners.
I need to remember to leave cleaning supplies behind when I move so I will have what I need to clean here. At least it will be easy to clean since it will be empty.
I wished I drank as I think I would drink a whole bottle of champagne myself May 3 after closing. This has been a huge job and I am so glad to be almost to the finish line. I will need to take time and celebrate when it is all done.
Tomorrow I have lots of errands to do in town when I go in for exercise. I have to take care of the insurance changes, drop stuff off at Salvation Army and the library, and buy groceries for the week. Tuesday I have some friends coming for dinner but will get to stay home all day. I probably should clean a bit for them but probably won’t. They are good enough friends that they can deal with my house in chaos.
Feeling a bit cranky today. My lower back is aching for some reason. I have dirt up my nose and in my eyes and mouth. This has felt hard today. Time to take a step back and allow it to be what it is. When I was working in the garage today I got triggered and need to let those feelings rise and be heard so they will leave. I never know how long that may take to happen so will need to call a timeout for myself and allow how ever much time is needed for me to get grounded and centered again.
And this too shall pass…..
Grateful the garage is packed and ready to be moved, grateful the dirt will wash away, and grateful I can do hard things.