Sunday, April 15, 2018

Another windy day on the prairie.  Forecast calls for wind all week long.  One could be tempted to go over the cliff from the sound and effect of it.  Getting close to the edge!

Going to Prairie Past Times Art Day today.  I was going to wind some yarn and start a new knitting project but I can’t find a place to hook my winder to.  This must be the first time in this house I tried to wind yarn.  I’ll take the winder and yarn with me this afternoon and see if I can find a place to use it at Prairie Past Times.  Maybe this is my sign to get rid of the fancy yarn I have.  Most of it is single skeins and most projects I find I want to do calls for multiple skeins of the same color.

It will do me good to get out and people this afternoon.  I haven’t been out of the house since Tuesday except to go to the ER Friday.  Time for me to be in the world and not so isolated.

Had another short episode of Atrial Flutter last night.  This time it didn’t scare me.  I remembered years ago I had a very fast heart rate due to a reaction to a medication. The ER staff then had me bear down as if to push a baby out and it helped slow my heart rate down.  I tried that several times last night and it worked to convert me back to normal rhythm.  I had done that in ER on Friday without prompting from the medical staff.  Thinking that is what converted me back to normal rhythm then.  Glad to know I can deal with it on my own.  I will call a Cardiologist Monday and get an appointment.  I see my primary doctor Tuesday morning.

I find it strange that it occurs during the middle of the night.  I am not up running around and doing anything strenuous – just laying in bed trying to sleep.  Makes me think it is an electrical malfunction in my heart as opposed to a heart disease type of thing going on.

The hospital released my blood tests results.  My TSH was over 2 so it wasn’t as low as it had been as last time I had it checked it was 1.11.  Over 2 shouldn’t have caused the Atrial Flutter.  Maybe my heart was damaged from from the thyroid storm I had last September?  Who knows – my body doesn’t present textbook style very often.

My liver is still showing signs of being unhappy but the numbers are coming down so it must be healing.  I was surprised my glucose was 100 as that is high for me.  With the good foods I have been eating lately I expected it to be lower than that.

The balance the body works to achieve amazes me sometimes.  Unfortunately for me the thyroid plays a big part in achieving that balance.  Medication helps but doesn’t do the same job as the real thing.

Find it interesting that my heart is out of rhythm now.  Internally I am finding a beautiful rhythm in life that I hadn’t experienced in a long time – if ever.  Wonder what my heart is trying to tell me?  Physical manifestations are the last to show up and the last to heal so this may be from something earlier in my life that is just now showing up.

The three different times I am aware of going into Atrial Flutter were accompanied with a bout of several very loose stools.  Haven’t been able to find anything on the web that relates the two situations yet.  I notice the flutter first and then the loose stools start.  Obviously in the energy world loose stools represent letting go.  Trusting whatever I am letting go of is in my best and highest interest!

Medical mystery for sure!  Trusting the doctors will be able to pin point the cause and find a permanent solution for me.  I have a big trip coming up in May to Italy and I intend on being able to fully enjoy it without concern for my health.

Grateful for a fun place to go to this afternoon, grateful for simple ways to convert my heart back to a normal rhythm, and grateful it is to warm up this week.  The wind is easier to tolerate when it is warmer outside.