Saturday, September 29, 2018

I am home from being in KC overnight to attend a class with my mentor.  I am exhausted after being in the city energy for over 24 hours.  I got some shopping done Friday afternoon and Saturday morning.  Hopefully I won’t have to go back to the city for a bit.  Found a few dresses and skirts to take to Australia.  Found two sweaters and a cute jacket.  Still need a pair of shoes to wear with the dresses and my list will be complete.  I wore the new Birkenstocks boots I had gotten earlier this week.  They are very comfortable and haven’t hurt my feet.

The class was good – I am embarrassed to say I fell asleep during class this morning.  I didn’t sleep much last night.  Finally took a hot bath around 2:00 and got warmed up.  That helped me fall asleep around 3:00.  Woke up before 6:00 – there was a dog in the room next to mine that was barking and a car alarm going off in the parking lot.  I missed my quiet corner of the prairie!

Not sure yet what I learned in class.  Guess if I had stayed awake I would have learned more!  Some day soon I will have an experience and realize I reacted differently than I did before and that is when I will know what I learned.

It is always fun to get to visit with the other people in the class and touch base with them.  Some I hadn’t seen for a bit.  One of the women in the group has the exact same pair of glasses that I have.  What are the chances of that happening?  We are a true tribe!

I have been texting another guy I met through Match.  He has been fun to text with.  Not sure where it is headed but I am having more fun with all of this than I have had in a long time.

Am working on getting the house ready for the guests that are coming in tomorrow.  Found out one of my long-term boarders got transferred to his new site starting Monday so he won’t be back for now.  There is a chance he will come back to this project again though.  Still have several loads of laundry to do but have it started.  Ran a load of dishes and need to clean three bedrooms and two bathrooms tomorrow morning.  Also will need to clean the guest coffee-room and the upstairs living room and kitchen floors.  Not sure what time the guests will be here so will need to get at the cleaning first thing in the morning so the house is ready whenever they get here.

Grateful my guest did my chores for me while I was gone, grateful Kathy arrived safely in Kentucky, and grateful to be back home on my quiet prairie.

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