Found another dead chicken when I went down to the coop this afternoon. Dang it anyways. Sure wish I knew if there was something I could/should be doing to prevent these deaths. Haven’t done anything different than I have done with my other chickens and have never had this problem before. I lost one or two here and there before but never five in two months.
Today has been a much better day for me. The sun is back out and it is a beautiful day on the prairie. I actually got some things done today. I took a load of recycling to Cottonwood Falls. I was a bit concerned if I could fit it in the dumpster but found the dumpster almost empty. That was easy!
Took the mower gas cans and filled them up. I will need to mow one last time this year and was out of gas. I like to keep some gas on hand in case one of the cars runs too low. After I mow I will call John Deere and have them come pick up the mower to service it so it will be ready for next year.
Stopped at Dollar General and got some milk. I want to bake something tomorrow and needed milk.
Cleaned our study today. It was very dirty. We keep the sliding door open lots in that room and dust blows in. Next week I am going to work with Jim to de -clutter the study a bit. The clutter is stacking up too much in there. After a while I can’t take the clutter.
Have a crock pot full of chili cooking for dinner tonight. Jim got a late start this morning. He was down the road about an hour when he remembered he had forgotten something in the cabin he stayed in so had to turn around and go back to get it. He won’t be home until 8:00 or so. Glad I made something for dinner that isn’t time sensitive.
Monday I need to go to Emporia and pick up my prescriptions. Other than picking up some dog food I don’t have anything on a grocery list so that may be all I need to do while I am in town. We have a quiet week ahead with not much on our schedule. That will be nice. I have a honey-do list of things that need done if and when the mood strikes. Unfortunately none of them feel urgent so they tend to get put off and not done.
Trusting this will be the week that I can get back to my Death Doula material and do some work on it. I need to figure out some ways to get the word out that I am available to help people make their end of life care plans. I have a few ideas bouncing around that I need to explore and see if I can get some leads. I have a Facebook page almost completed so need to get that finalized and released.
Grateful for a beautiful fall day on the prairie today, grateful Jim will be home soon, and grateful I got some things done today.