Saturday, October 7, 2023

I had trouble finding sleep for the longest time last night. I finally fell asleep around 4:00 this morning. I slept good for a short time but woke up and couldn’t go back to sleep. I still felt tired when I got up.

Michelle texted me this morning to tell me her toilet isn’t flushing properly. Dang it anyways! I am getting tired of having to figure out how to get things fixed. Between Michelle’s house and this house it seems I can’t catch a break. Enough already! I will have to call a plumber first thing Monday morning and see if I can get someone out to look at it.

I got one bedroom completely reset and cleaned today. I lost count how many loads of laundry I did to accomplish that. Feels good to have one room done. I’m not going to count how many more I have to do. I would get too overwhelmed. My goal is to do at least one room a day until I get done. It might take me till the end of the month to accomplish that.

I have been cranky today. I’m still tired and have felt uncomfortable in my own skin today. Not sure what that is all about. I got cold this morning and had the hardest time warming up. I got up and moved my body and that helped but the crankiness didn’t go away. Just one of those days, I guess.

I did go into Cottonwood Falls to listen to the live music. I only stayed for about an hour. The music was delightful but it was too peopley for me. There was a lady that came up to talk to the person in front of me and she stood up for over 15 minutes blocking my view of the music. I found myself getting cranky and decided to come home for the safety of those around me.

I don’t like when I allow someone else to push my buttons. I certainly had options and could have moved but I wasn’t in the mood to play nice. I decided the best thing for me was to remove myself completely.

It was a perfect fall weather day for an outdoor celebration today. I wore a sweater and sat in the sun and was very comfortable. They have more music at 7:00 tonight followed by a firework show but I don’t think I will go back in. It did me good to get out of the house for a short bit and sit outside. I was hoping it would help me shake off my crankiness but so far that didn’t happen.

Not much on my calendar for next week. I am getting the new RSV vaccine on Tuesday. Hoping I don’t have a reaction to it. I had a foster daughter a long time ago that spent a week in the hospital due to RSV. I seem to have respiratory issues when I get sick and want to avoid RSV.

It will be good for me to have a very quiet week. Kathy came home from her housesitting job this afternoon. It is nice to just have the two of us in the house again. The house feels a bit big and lonely without the kiddos around. I think cleaning it good will help reset the energy of the house.

Monday Tagen has a football game at 4:00 in Wichita. I am taking his girlfriend and we are going to stop at Costco after the game. I don’t need a lot of things so it will be a quick stop.

Saturday I am having some friends over so we can watch the eclipse together. That will give me a reason to keep cleaning house as I will need the main part of the house done by Saturday. It will be good to see my friends again – it feels like it has been a long time since I have connected with them.

I have been practicing good self-care today and offering myself lots of grace. When I get unsettled I can usually calm myself and it doesn’t last too long. I know I have lots of emotion to release from the trip and from having the kiddos here for almost four months. Today feels like that is what happened. Not comfortable to do by any means, but necessary. If I can fully feel something, accept it for what it is without a story, I then can release it and be done with it. It is when I stuff things and resist them that I get myself into trouble.

The girls gave me 20 eggs today. That seems to be there normal these days. One day soon I need to clean the coop out. It is way past time to do that job. It is to be nice and cool most of the week so the weather will be perfect to get it cleaned out. The rooster ignored me today. I am on my guard watching him while I am down there. I hope he learned his lesson but I sure don’t trust him any more.

I need to remember to go out and mow tomorrow and finish up the yard. I have about half of it done so it won’t take but an hour or so to finish it up. Unless we get some rain it may be the last mow of the year.

Today reminds me of Pema Chodron’s book “Welcoming the Unwelcome”. She reminds me to accept anything that happens without judging it as good or bad but rather as it is. Some days are easy ones but days like today are just plain hard. It is what it is and when I can accept that it does make it a bit easier. Everyone has good and bad days. My life lesson is to react with equal grace to both types of days. Not sure I was successful at that today but I caught myself and did better. Tomorrow is a new day and a new chance!

Grateful for the beautiful weather today, grateful for the beautiful music I heard today, and grateful one room in this house is clean.