Slept last night without sleeping pills. I feel better today with a much clearer head. No brain fog today!
Went into Emporia around 10:00 this morning to pick Ellexia up. Michelle worked last night and has to work tonight and needed to sleep. Ellexia and Kathy are watching a movie downstairs.
Have been watching a thunderstorm roll in. Not sure I will get much rain out of it but there has been lots of lightning we have been watching. It is pretty sharp but so far not too close. The thunder is starting to roll across the hills. I love that sound.
I probably should run my girls down their noon greens before the rain gets here. They will be yelling at me soon if I don’t get it down there.
I have absolutely nothing on my calendar for the next ten to twelve days. I do want to go to KC one day next week to see some friends and Nicole. I also want to see my friends in Manhattan that just got back from being gone for two months. Another friend that lives close is coming for coffee one day next week. Love days when I connect with close friends.
Nicole and I have decided to go to the Healing Plant Journey in Peru in December. I am going to make our reservations for the retreat and then we need to decide what we want to do before and after that so we can book our flights. Not sure how long she wants to be gone. I could stay over a month but not sure she wants to leave her cats for that long.
Still would like to find some place to go for January and February too. I don’t like cold weather! Craig wants to go somewhere warm then too so we may find some place to go together.
This cancer scare has told me to wake up and get going. Trusting I won’t have any treatments that need done between my travels. I will find out on October 27 what if anything is recommended.
Ellexia has such an active imagination. I love listening to her talk to her babies and beanies. She loves to play pretend.
Read a second book yesterday. Maybe I should have gotten a couple more sacks full. I will run out at this rate. My eyes got tired yesterday though so I will have to slow down reading.
Thunder rolling over the hills. Sprinkles hitting the windows. It is a beautiful rainy day on the prairie today. All is well.