I didn’t sleep much at all last night. My tummy was a bit upset and sleep was not to be found. I finally gave up and got up.
Went to Emporia around 9:15. Got to the rental house and started taking plates off the cabinet doors Tagen had taken down to get them ready to paint. Discovered the paint bushes had not been cleaned so had to go get two new paint brushes.
Came back to the rental house and painted the kitchen cabinet doors. Then painted on the cabinets themselves.
Tagen and his girlfriend came over. I had him work on taking down all the old blinds and hardware. I got to a stopping place on painting and we went to Bobby D’s for lunch.
While I had some muscle with me I took them to Walmart to get cat and dog food. Tagen lifts those 44 pounds bag of feed like they weigh 4 pounds.
We went back to the house and I painted some more while Tagen finished taking down all the blinds. Around 3:30 I decided I had painted enough for the day and cleaned up my mess and headed home.
I came home and felt cold. I could not get warm. I finally took a hot bath and went to bed. I slept for a couple of hours until the dogs decided it was time for their late evening walk. I got up and got dressed and took them each on their 1/2 mile walk.
I am still tired but not sleepy. I will probably stay up for another hour or so and then try to get some more sleep.
If my body will allow it, I will go in and paint some more tomorrow. I still have the rest of the kitchen cabinets to paint and more woodwork to paint. When I get all that done I have some wall painting left to do. Right now it feels like I will never get done but I’m sure that isn’t true. Still hoping to get all the painting finished up this week.
Monday I need to figure out if I need a plumber or a drain cleaner so they can fix the bath tub drain which is not draining well. The heater guy is coming Wednesday. I need to call a pest control guy to come. The kitchen light fixture is not working so will need to call an electrician to fix that. Phil is going to come over and finish installing three things for us. The tree guy has us on his schedule but won’t be over for several weeks. We will have to get all the kitchen cabinet doors put back up. Then we have lots of paint spatters to clean up and then I think the house will be ready. Lots to take care of yet but hoping it will all get done soon.
Monday I have exercise in town. Tuesday someone is coming over for help with a tax issue. Wednesday the furnace guy is coming over. I have free days Thursday and Friday. No plans for next weekend either.
I really do need to start thinking about Thanksgiving and getting invitations for dinner out. I am going to be brave and attempt to fix a full dinner for 16 – 20 people. It may be my last one if it is too hard to do all that in this small house. I love having a house full for Thanksgiving but that number is smaller this year than it has been in the past for me due to the smaller house.
Christmas needs to start hitting my planning list too. I don’t have many presents to buy. I love making all the special treats though. We play games for our Christmas gathering and I will need to start figuring out what games we will be doing and get the stuff and prizes for them taken care of. It will be here before I know it. I don’t do well with last minute stuff these days. I don’t move near as fast as I used to.
The last couple of years I have sent a Christmas letter to my friends and family. If I plan on doing that this year I need to start thinking about getting that ready too. This time of the year sure gets busy and with the rental house I feel like I have lots on my plate right now. I had wanted more things to do – I need to be careful what I ask for.
Still viewing the election results with a deep knowing that my purpose for being here just got defined. I have a strong belief that there is a universal dying of the old ways happening along with the dying of a male dominated society. Change is frightening for many and many are holding on for dear life to the old ways of doing things. A new way of peace and love is being born. We are both grieving for the old and going through birth pains for the new path to come into being.
My job is to stay firmly on the peace and love path and invite others to walk beside me. We all have to find ways to stay grounded and regulated and meet others with love and peace. Man is that hard somedays. It is so easy to slip into fear and divide. The more I can keep myself regulated, the less I slip into the muck pond of fear.
Grateful more painting and progress was made on the rental house today, grateful to spend tine with Tagen, and grateful for all my mentors and teachers that had led me to a path of love and peace.