Saturday, November 11, 2023

Grateful I had nothing on my calendar to do today as nothing would have gotten done. The vaccine side effect hit me during the night. I woke up shivering and cold to the bone in the middle of the night. I finally got up and got some Tylenol and then turned on my electric blanket.

My temperature has bounced between 100.0 and 101.5 all day today. I have a bad headache and feel achy. Hoping the worst of it is over and by tomorrow I will be back to normal.

I managed to eat a cup of chicken with rice soup sometime today. May try some yogurt in a bit but may not. Am doing my best to get fluids down so I don’t get dehydrated.

From what I have read this reaction can last up to three days but am hoping for only today. Not fun! I feel better right now then I have all day so maybe the worst is over.

Grateful I had a free day today, grateful for chicken with rice soup, and grateful for water to drink.