Saturday, March 1, 2025

It has been a quiet day at home. It was colder out today than yesterday but more seasonable. I walked Roxy this afternoon and only needed a sweatshirt. Not bad for the first of March.

We noticed some of the flower bulbs that Kathy planted last fall coming up. We still have lots more to come through but it is fun that some of them have started. I love spring flowers and look forward to enjoying them this spring,

I got my old iPad cleaned up and boxed and ready to return to Apple for credit. I will drop it off next time I go to Emporia.

Tagen let me know his water got fixed yesterday. Not sure which plumber fixed it but I am grateful he has water now. I haven’t heard from Jason if his plumber has scheduled his drain repair.

Last night Roxy had an accident in the house. Kathy said she had a runny stool on her morning walk. So far this evening she is OK. Sure wish I spoke dog so I could ask her if she felt sick.

No plans for tomorrow either. It was good to have a quiet day today but tomorrow I need to find a project to work on. I do feel better about myself if I do something somewhat productive every so often and I am craving something productive to do.

Next week is a relatively quiet week so far. I am doing taxes on Wednesday and Thursday and a brunch to go to on Friday. I need to get the iPad off before Wednesday so I will go to town Monday and drop that off.

Feeling a bit disconnected and uneasy this evening. Had a few things happen last week that I am still processing. It sometimes takes me a while to process my emotions and it takes as long as it takes. I used to not allow my emotions to surface and that backfired every time. I’m grateful I now know how to allow my emotions to surface and tell me what I need to know. The quicker I can do that the quicker they dissipate.

Grateful for a quiet day at home, grateful Tagen’s water got fixed, and grateful I know to allow my emotions – the good, the bad and the ugly.

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