Thinking my critters may have saved my life last night. I woke up around 2:30 hearing the dogs barking really loud and the cows in the back pasture yelling. Stepped outside but couldn’t see what was wrong. Since I was up I picked up my iPad to check mail. I almost burned my hand when I unplugged it. The charging cord had splintered and there was a hot, loose wire. I will never know if it would have started a fire but it sure felt like it might have. Thanks critters!
I finally went back to bed around 6:30 this morning and slept my second sleep. When I woke up the second time my cranky mood was gone. I did chores and knitted for a bit and then went to Pioneer Bluffs to help with the Ranching Heritage talk. I’m glad I went as the talk was one of the better ones. It was given by the Mushrush family. They shared their ranching philosophy and values. I never knew how much science it takes to raise pure breed Red Angus. They specialize in selling Bulls and do business around the globe.
I came home really tired so took a nap. I have slept more this week than I have for the last month. When I woke up I went into town to get a new charging cord for my iPad. Not taking any chances and threw the broken one away.
What an absolutely beautiful day out today. High was in the low 80’s with bright blue skies and very light wind. It just doesn’t get much better anywhere than today was. Wish it could be like this year round. So nice to have the windows open and fresh air coming in. The dust came in too but I have learned to ignore it.
Still haven’t made it to the gym. Not sure why I am resisting going. I will really have to push myself hard when I get started. I remember I had trouble getting started when I walked the Camino.
I have another week coming up with nothing on my calendar I need to do. No excuses about working out I guess. I struggle when I have days and days of nothing to do. Working on stepping into that and allowing it to be what it is knowing I don’t have to do anything to have value.
Resting. Recharging. Grateful for the beautiful day. All is well on the prairie.