Saturday, June 22, 2024

A lazy day today. I didn’t leave the house except to walk the dogs a couple of times. It is hot outside and we didn’t walk too far either time. I can’t imagine how hot it is going to be in July and August.

I am watching the old TV show ER. I started a couple weeks ago and am only on season three. They did lots more shows per year back then. The show is as good as I remember it being from days long gone by. I don’t think they make TV like they used to. Man, I must be getting old!

No plans for tomorrow either. I am hoping to take another rest day and work on refilling myself. I have needed a quiet weekend for a bit.

Next week is going to be fairly quiet. I do have to go to Wichita for a doctor’s appointment on Tuesday to have my foot looked at. I hope to go visit my aunt while I am in Wichita as I forgot to do that last time I was in town. Other than that appointment I only have to go to Emporia three times next week for exercise.

A week from tomorrow I leave for Costa Rica. Wow. That is sneaking up on me fast. It will be good to have a change of scenery for a little over a week. I am looking forward to this retreat. The timing of it is perfect for me. I have been doing lots of inner work lately and am ready for a new perspective.

Sitting in a better head space tonight than I have been lately. Staying home for a quiet day helps restore my soul. I have managed to embrace the empty space time today and enjoy it. I will take that as a sign of progress at last.

Grateful for a quiet day at home, grateful for Netflix and old ER shows, and grateful for my A/C.