This has felt like a busy day but not sure it was. A thunderstorm rolled through early morning. The flash of the lightning and the crack of the thunder woke me up. I got up and checked on the dogs. They were glued to me for a bit. I gave them their anxiety calming medication and after a bit they settled down and we all went back to sleep.
We got almost an inch of rain overnight and today. What a gentle rain it was. The type of rain that gives all the plants and grass a good, long drink. It didn’t do much to fill the ponds but it was great for the grass.
I went to my house late morning and checked on my critters. Cleaned up the kitchen and did some dishes. Made two desserts for our family day dinner tomorrow.
Came back to the housesitting job and fed the peacock and filled the bird feeder. I had to fill one of the hummingbird water thingy too. All is well here.
I am going to stay here for a bit and then go back to my house. I forgot to bring any clothes for tonight and tomorrow. I have a couple more things to do at my house to get ready for the dinner tomorrow so I will take care of those things and then come back here for the night. I will get up early tomorrow morning and go home and get the turkey in the oven. Mid-morning I will come back here and let the dogs out and then go back to my house for our family gathering. When that is over and before Tonglen I will come back up here and take care of all the critters. Go home and do the Tonglen practice and then come back up here for the night. Good think we only live less than two miles apart.
I went down to my barn to try to find Belle, my missing cat. She ran in front of the mower inside the barn when I mowed earlier this week. I set out food and water for her as she wouldn’t come out of the barn. Unfortunately I found her dead under the camper today. I will have the guys help me bury her tomorrow. I had left the barn door open overnight hoping she would come out but she decided not to. Grateful for the time she shared with me and am grateful to have found her.
Farm animals that live outside can have a hard life sometimes. She had many chances to come out of the barn but for some reason had decided that is where she wanted to be. Maybe she knew she was going to die and wanted privacy. Who knows?
I haven’t talked to anyone again today. It feels weird to have gone back to that space and time where I don’t see anyone else for a couple of days. Grateful the kids are all coming home tomorrow so I will talk to someone. I do well for about four days not talking to anyone and then I start to get a bit restless.
Nothing on my calendar for next week after Sunday. I will continue going between the two houses all week. I will probably try to talk Ellexia into spending a day with me. Maybe I can entice her with offering to take her swimming in Cottonwood Falls. Tagen is a working kid now so he can’t come spend time with me during the week now. He was going to paint today but the weather didn’t cooperate with that plan.
Hoping I can get lots of painting done next week. There is a slight chance of rain everyday next week so we shall see what the weather does. We are finally getting some rain on the prairie. We need it so badly that I will gladly put off painting in exchange for lots of rain.
Still sitting in a good head space. I have had a couple of things going on this week and have been able to take care of myself and not overextend myself in some issues that aren’t mine to fix. I am seeing people and situations with a slightly different perspective which is helpful and healthier for me. That feels good and I will take that as progress in my healing life journey.
I have learned that I can read books and learn a new way of being but until life offers me a situation to practice what I am learning I never am quite sure if I got it. Co-dependency is a hard habit to break but I am starting to see the fruits of my labor.
Grateful for the life and love of Belle, grateful the kids are coming home tomorrow, and grateful all chores are done at both places for the day.