My guests decided not to stay last night. They called me around the time I was expecting them to be here and told me they decided to drive on home instead of stopping for the night. That was the easiest guests I have had yet. They won’t get a refund and I will get paid even though they didn’t stay.
Got a booking for next weekend for one night for three people. I had been surprised that weekend was still open – guess it was waiting for this group to book. I like when there are more than two in the group as I make more money that way.
Woke up in the middle of the night feeling weird. Not sure what was going on and not sure I can find words to describe how I felt. I took my blood pressure and it was a touch high but not dangerously high and my pulse was below 60 so I was not having an atrial flutter episode. In the light of day I wonder if I was having a panic attack of some sort. Not sure why these have started to surface lately. I really don’t think I am stressing over anything. Life is pretty damn good right now. I’ll see if it happens again before I do something about it.
Finally got back to sleep after being up for several hours and got a second sleep with the help of a sleeping pill. I don’t like taking them as I feel hung over the next day. Don’t have a lot of energy again today. This roller coaster I am on needs to stop and level out. Wish I knew what was going on.
Not much on my agenda today. I feel like running away some place for a night or two but can’t think of anywhere to go. I have two guests coming in Tuesday for one night so couldn’t be gone for long. I have been isolating myself again and not sure that is in my best interest. Just haven’t felt like being around people much lately. Starting to need some interaction with others though.
May make my peach jam this afternoon. Not sure the peaches are soft enough though. I hate fighting with them to get the pit out. I can’t remember which recipe I used last year – I had a good batch last year and would like to repeat that success. Can’t remember if I used a recipe that had Pectin in it or not – thinking not but the lemon juice doesn’t sound familiar either. Sometimes it is hell to get old and not have a sharp recall.
The chance for rain has gotten pushed back to tonight. Sure crossing my fingers and toes that the rain will come and stay for a bit. We are back to extreme drought status and desperately need a couple of inches of rain.
Working on finishing the second set of tea towels I have stamped. Have one and one-half tea towel to finish and then I will need to stamp two more sets.
Still haven’t heard from the roofer so I can get a bid and get that job finished up. Haven’t heard from my two handyman on the projects they are working on either. Good thing there is no rush for any of the three projects I have pending. Just like to get things done – more of my preference than a necessity though. Must need another lesson on patience.
Feeling a bit like I have taken a slip into the muck pond today. Reminding myself to not be in resistance and to allow what ever it is to be. Been a bit tearful today for some reason too. Need to get outside and move my body and see if I can move this darkness away. Could be the effect of the lunar eclipse and the full moon. I seem to be growing more and more sensitive to the effect of the full moon lately.
Grateful for another booking, grateful for knowing at some level all is well, and grateful for a new day coming tomorrow!