Have everything I am taking to the dinner tonight at Pioneer Bluffs ready to go. Kathy saved the eggs and peeled the rest of them for me. She was more patient than I am and they were good enough that I could make deviled eggs. I also made a potato salad, chicken salad, and BBQ meatballs. Not sure how many people are coming tonight but hopefully I will not have to bring any of the food home with me.
When I was having lunch yesterday with my friends I figured out why the guests getting into my refrigerator bothers me. My mentor had taught us about request and demand and how the two feel differently in our bodies. When the guests get in the refrigerator without permission or ask for extra food ingredients I get triggered if it feels like a demand. When it is a request I can handle it easily. Now to figure out how to respond to a demand. One step closer to having that puzzle solved.
Realized today I have lost 15 pounds since I returned home from Italy the middle of May. Only 6 pounds from goal weight now. I have been doing the Bright Line eating plan for 160 days. Trusting it will be the way I eat for the rest of my life. I am gradually adding in additional food so I can coast into goal weight and not drop below it. So far the additional food hasn’t slowed my weight lose which surprises me. My body tells me rather quickly if it likes the additional food I add. Grains create a gas problem for me so think I will continue to avoid them. I have been adding more fats and proteins and a few more vegetables. I feel much more satisfied with the additional fat and protein I have added.
I didn’t sleep very good last night. I woke up at 3:00 after going to sleep at midnight and I didn’t get my second sleep. It has been a long day already today. The two nights before that I had gotten four or five hours of sleep straight. Not sure why I couldn’t do that last night. I may have been over tired. May try to take a nap this afternoon so I can people this evening at the concert.
Ran into Emporia this morning. My girls were out of lettuce. I thought I saw that the CO peaches were going to be for sale today but if they are they have moved where they normally sell them at and I couldn’t find them. Got lettuce, filled my car up with gas and came back home.
It was nice today and yesterday to not have a guest in the house. I could relax and enjoy the peace and quiet without fear that someone would need something. Still have some house cleaning I need to get done tomorrow morning before my guest returns tomorrow afternoon Not in the mood to do any cleaning today. I have already run the dishwasher twice from the kitchen messes I keep making and still have some more mess to clean up.
Have a Pioneer Bluff’s committee meeting at my house Monday afternoon. Maybe that will motivate me to get my dining room and living room floors done. They are overdue for a good cleaning.
Grateful for friends who help me figure out answers when I get stuck, grateful I was able to get food prepared without a major oops, and grateful I have the luxury of taking a nap this afternoon if I am able to sleep.