Saturday, July 15, 2017

I got home around 8:30 last night. I stopped at Craig’s to return his pickup to him. He had surprised me and had my car detailed clean. Thanks Craig. I appreciate it. He had taken my car to Toyota to have them reset the check engine light. They said it was important I bring the car in to have it fixed. The gas station at Cottonwood told me it wasn’t important to get fixed. Who do I trust?

I was so tired last night but when I went to bed I couldn’t fall asleep. I finally took something around 1:00 and this morning I feel like I have a hang over without the fun of getting drunk.

This is definitely a recovery day for me. I’m doing some laundry and checking on my critters but other than that don’t have the energy to do anything. It is hot again outside. I was dripping sweat when I came back to the house from giving the chickens some water. I almost dumped some of the water over my head instead of giving it to the chickens.

Kathy had cleaned my house for me so I don’t need to do that today. Thanks Kathy! I appreciate you too.

May need to go to town to find some food later today. I’m too tired to do so right now.

Starting to make a packing pile for Japan. I got some single serving snacks to take while I was in KC. Need to start putting the things on my list together and see what I need to take out due to space issues. Nicole said she might have extra room so need to take her some things to pack for me. We were so busy last week we forgot to make our final two hotel reservations. Trusting we will remember to do that this week. We leave two weeks from Tuesday.

Nicole has taught me how to stay focused on one thing at a time. It was hard to look past cleaning out the house. Now that we are done with that project maybe Japan will hit our priority list.

Resting. Recovery day. Giving myself permission to do nothing and just be today. All is well on the hot prairie today.