Saturday, July 14, 2018

Quiet day at home.  All four of my guests were up and out of the house before 7:30 this morning.  I didn’t hear the dad and son come in last night nor did I hear them leave this morning.  They are going to be exhausted as they had been out in this heat all week and staying up late and leaving early every day.

I have the two bedrooms and bathrooms refreshed.  Just waiting on the last load of towels to dry so I can get them put away and then the rooms will be ready for them all to return.  Not sure what their plans were for the day.  It rained a bit last night and so far it is nice outside.  Still have a chance for a bit more rain but not looking very likely at this point.  Only got 1/4 inch but I will take every drop I can get.

Have a guest coming in this afternoon for one night.  He is a returning guest and it will be fun to see him again.  Have another guest coming in tomorrow night for one night.  The dad and son leave tomorrow morning to head back to Tennessee.  I will have lots of cleaning to do in the morning.  The basement is pretty dirty.

I crashed last night and got more sleep than I have been getting.  I woke up a few times but was able to go back to sleep rather quickly.  Nice to get a good night’s sleep without taking a sleeping pill.

I didn’t feel very good last night.  I was bloated and gassy which is unusual for me.  Not sure what caused it.  I feel a bit better this morning but still not back to my new normal level of energy.  May need to move my body a bit and see if that helps.  I don’t have much motivation to do so however.  Maybe I can find some soon!

Have two more tea towels to finish and these two sets will be done.  May get them done today and two more sets stamped.  They have been my saving grace this summer as I feel like I get something done but don’t have to expend a lot of energy to do them.  I knitted during the meeting yesterday.  Finished a shawl and started a wash rag.  Had to rip out the wash rag as I dropped a stitch and couldn’t seem to get it picked up.  I wasn’t too far along and it was easier to start over than mess with it.  The tote in my closet is full of shawls and blankets and I don’t want to start a second one.  Need to find a home for them somehow.  Not to mention finding a home for all the tea towels I have made.

Still feeling a bit unsettled and ungrounded today although I am better than I was yesterday.  I keep coming back to my breath and centering myself when I catch my mind wondering down a lane I don’t want to go.  Playing the “what if game” is pretty pointless until I know something for sure.

Grateful for the bit of rain that fell on the prairie overnight, grateful for tea towels to embroidery, and grateful for sleep!