Saturday, January 28, 2023

All of a sudden the wind blew in this afternoon and the temperature started dropping.  Went from 52 down to 32 in less than an hour.  Burr.  The cold front is here and is going to hang around for the next three or four days.  Kinda like the 50’s and sunshine better.

Got a call from the post office this morning that woke me up.  They had attempted to deliver a letter yesterday that needed my signature.  They were calling to see if I wanted to come pick it up before 9:00 this morning or if I wanted them to deliver it this afternoon.  I got up and got dressed and made it to the post office before 9:00.

It was a letter from the City of Emporia telling me that one of my renters is in violation of city policy due to where they have parked a disabled car.  I went to Emporia this afternoon to check it out.  The car is on the side of the driveway with two wheels on the driveway and two wheels in the yard.  I don’t see what the big deal is but I will notify the people that manage the property for me on Monday and let them deal with the renter to get the car moved.  It seems like something is always popping up with the rental properties.

I had trouble sleeping last night so about 3:00 I took half of a sleeping aide.  I was sleeping really good when the post office called this morning.  Came back home after going to the post office and went back to bed and slept another couple of hours.  Still feeling a bit hungover this afternoon but was grateful to have gotten sleep last night.

Haven’t gotten much done today.  I am on a streak of not doing anything so guess I will continue on with that.  One of these days I will find some energy and decide to get up out of my chair and do something.  Just not today!

I’m out of distilled water and can’t find any in town.  Guess I will go back to using tap water and deal with the white film it leaves behind.  The humidifiers sure help me from having sinus problems like I was before.  Wish I could find distilled water but I will deal without it.

Got a second room booked out for the Unbound Gravel dirt bike race the first week of June.  Not sure if I am going for three rooms or not.  I promised private bathrooms to the two that are coming so don’t want to break my word to them.  Trusting they will show up and not back out.  Guessing if they do back out I will be able to find someone else to rent to.  Lots of people are looking for rooms right now.

Thinking about getting a temporary job for the next couple of months.  I would like to earn enough money to pay for my birthday trip.  Not sure what I will look for.  Wish I could find a job where I could work from home but not sure how one does that.  Anyone have any job leads that they can pass on to me?

A friend called me yesterday to let me know she has breast cancer.  She has decided to not do radiation or chemotherapy.  She is waiting some blood work results to come back and then will decide if she is going to have a lumpectomy, a single mastectomy or a double mastectomy.  Breast cancer runs rampant in her family so the news was not unexpected.  She cares for her elderly mother and has her hands full right now.  She also needs to have cataract surgery and recently discovered she is diabetic.  Some people sure have big troubles that seem to hit all at once.

Feeling a bit restless today and a bit unsettled.  That seems to be happening more lately.  Hard for me to sit in the silence and be comfortable.  I am working at allowing what ever I am feeling to rise and be heard.  I’m sure part of it is still remnants of grief that I am processing from the divorce.  My life path radically and quickly changed the last three months and getting my body, mind and spirit to catch up to each other and synchronize has been a challenge.  I have had moments when it has happened but keeping them together remains a bit illusive for me.  It will happen sometime – soon I hope!

Grateful for sleep, grateful for a second booking for the dirt race weekend, and grateful this cold front is only to hang around for four days.

One Reply to “Saturday, January 28, 2023”

  1. Sounds to me like you need to get a yarn thing going again. It sure is saving my sanity right now. For years I have hoarded yarn and now I am glad I did. May not get to buy any ever again. hehehehe

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