Saturday, January 25, 2025

It has been a quiet day at home today. I haven’t even gotten dressed yet and have no plans to do so. It was my first stay at home day since last weekend and I decided to declare a PJ day.

I did get some tax homework done. I had to take two more tests and I managed to pass those. I checked the answers on two of the problems I did for last week. One of them I found one little mistake and was able to fix it myself and get the right answers. The other one I have one situation where I can’t figure out how to fix it. I’ll have to get help on that one. The rest of the return is correct though. I feel more proficient this year than I have before.

I have some green chicken and potatoes cooking in the crock pot. It sure makes the house smell good.

The dogs have been outside most of the day. It is warming up a bit and the snow and ice is finally starting to melt. The dogs came in covered with mud. Yuck! I think I will delay my housecleaning until it dries up a bit. It may be a while – I don’t think I mind!

I plan another stay at home tomorrow. The only thing on my agenda is watching the Chiefs game at 5:30. I get anxiety watching them even though I have absolutely nothing invested in the game. I get caught up in the game and struggle to disconnect.

Monday I have to go to Emporia for my next to last exercise session. Wednesday afternoon I have another tax class. I’m thinking it will be the last one as the following week we start doing taxes. I may go to Wichita to Costco on Tuesday. I have a growing list of things I need and the weather is to be nice. I want to go visit my aunt while I am in Wichita. I haven’t seen her for a bit and am overdue for a visit.

Thursday afternoon at 4:00 I am hosting a gathering of like-minded people. We all need to lean on each other during this time of chaos so we can stay grounded and in love. Sometimes gathering with others gives us more courage to do what we need to do. All are invited. We will do a meditation and talk about ways we can be in service to our community and to each other.

I took some time this morning to allow myself to feel some hard feelings. I think the chaos of the country caught up with me and I needed to allow the feelings to surface. They came up easily and seem to have passed on by. I have been surprised it didn’t hit before now. I read the news now until I can feel it is starting to trigger me and then I close it down. I can only take very small bites of it.

Grateful for a quiet day at home, grateful for the great smells of food cooking in the house this afternoon, and grateful I am almost done with tax homework.