Saturday, January 14, 2023

Another quiet day on the prairie.  I haven’t spoken to anyone so far today and probably won’t today.  Two days in a row for that.  I had trouble sleeping last night so took half of a sleep aide.  Slept hard after that and slept in until 9:15 this morning.  Still feeling a bit groggy but trying to power through and not take a nap.

It is 50 outside today but the wind is making it feel a bit cooler.  Need to drive down and get the mail when I finish writing.  Also need to feed and water the dogs.  The bit of snow we got Thursday has melted today.  It is to be 58 tomorrow which will be a nice break.  May get to paint outside on the deck tomorrow if the mood strikes.

Rode 30 minutes on the bike today.  It felt a bit harder to me today but thinking that is due to my grogginess.  I don’t have much get up and go today.  Not motivated to do much today.  I’m grateful I found the strength to ride the bike.  Have been sitting and reading today.  Somedays are like that for me and I don’t have anything pressing to do so why not?

If I had remembered earlier I would have gone to town to get a gallon of paint.  I remembered that project when I went downstairs this afternoon to ride my bike.  I want to paint two pieces of furniture that used to be in my office but when I reset the house I moved them downstairs.  They need to be painted to fit in better downstairs and to change the energy of the pieces.  I know what color I want, I just need to get to town to get it.  The paint store is closed tomorrow so will have to wait till Monday to get the paint.  By then, I will need a few groceries.  I have to go to town Monday late afternoon for tax training so will go to town a bit early and get the paint and then stop afterwards for some groceries on my way home.  I don’t have anything on my calendar after Monday so will have plenty of time to get them painted.

I had been searching around trying to find the site where I can do my tax prep testing.  I finally figured it out this morning so will need to get to my desktop computer and see if I can get on the site and start doing the required testing.  I’m not sure if I can log on or not.  The site got all confused when I moved from the Emporia site to the Stillwater site.  I think they have me in the correct site now but will have to see.  Each year you have to do testing to refresh your skills.  Since we have had a two-year break it will almost be like starting from scratch.  We will see how much the system has changed and how much I remember.

I will find out more at the training meeting Monday night.  I am thinking it is the first of several training meetings but not for sure.  If I remember correctly, we had several training sessions before so everyone could pass all the required tests.

I let the grandfather clock wind down and it stopped.  When I restarted it, it got an hour off.  I will either have to rewind it back 11 hours or stop it and remember to start it on the right hour.  May need to add the task of winding it to my weekly checklist.  My brain is still trying to unscramble itself from the trauma it went through over the last year.  I find it fascinating to observe how my brain works – or doesn’t work as I came to expect it to.

Somedays like yesterday I think so clearly and everything I do is easy and I feel very efficient.  Days like today nothing feels easy and I feel slow and like everything I do is an effort.  Part of it today is the side effects of the sleeping aide but I have days like this when I haven’t taken a sleeping aide.  Guess that is what life is though.  You gotta have the easy days and the hard days.  How would you know cold if you didn’t know hot?  How would I know an easy day if I didn’t have a hard day?  Balance is the name of the game for me right now.  I have learned if I accept what is and hot resist it, it can change easier for me.  Today is what it is an going with it and not resisting it makes it pass easier for e.

Grateful I was able to ride the bike for 30 minutes, grateful for the warmer weather today, and grateful for the sleep I was able to get last night.